
June 27, 2024

COMMIT #: bf628a4



  • Edit Program (GWU-4498)

    • Previously: Certain admin roles were not able to view and select Accounting Groups on a program’s Reporting page.

    • Update: All admin roles can view and select Accounting Groups on a program’s Reporting page.

Admin Portal/Front End

  • Waivers (GWU-4359)

    • Update: Cleanup of waiver text to remove any coding from being displayed in various locations.


  • Create Message (GWU-4359)

    • Previously: When creating a message and removing athletes from specific programs/divisions, the recipient count was decreasing to 0.

    • Update: When creating a message and removing athletes from specific programs/divisions, the recipient count changes to reflect the correct number of recipients.



  • NCSA Opt-In Report (GWU-4572)

    • Previously: On the NCSA Opt-In Report page, athletes who had said “Yes, I’m interested” but did not have an associated roster spot in the program they completed the waiver for, did not pull into the report.

    • Update: When filtering on the NCSA Opt-In Report page, a checkbox labeled “Include Quick Waiver Athletes” can be enabled to account for all athletes who say “Yes, I’m interested”, whether they have an associated roster spot in the program or not.


  • Team Reporting (GWU-4478)

    • Previously: On the Rosters page, there was no way to see Quick Waiver Athletes who were not assigned to a Team or Division.

    • Update: On the Rosters page, if Division(s) and Team(s) filters are left blank when filtering, Quick Waiver Athletes will show on the report.

Front End

  • Gate/Parking Shop (GWU-3853)

    • Update:

      • If someone purchases a gate/parking product type, and they have an athlete in their profile without a valid waiver, they will be prompted to sign a waiver.

        • “You may need to sign an event waiver for [athlete name]. Would you like to take two minutes to do that now?”

      • If someone purchases a gate/parking product type, and they do not have an athlete in their profile, they will be prompted to sign a waiver.

        • “Athletes attending our events require a valid waiver. Would you like to take two minutes to sign their waiver now?”

June 24, 2024

COMMIT #: 99b29d7



  • Waivers (GWU-4498)

    • Update: When a user completes a waiver, they will be assigned a user role to the brand that the waiver is completed on.

June 21, 2024

COMMIT #: ab969c4


Club App

  • Teams (GWU-4560)

    • Previously: The Team Images were broken and displayed as a damaged image.

    • Update: The Team Images are properly displaying.


  • Invoices (GWU-4559)

    • Previously: The concession Full Withdrawal From Program was incorrectly being calculated towards the prolate limit.

    • Update: The concession Full Withdrawal From Program is no longer being calculated towards the prolate limit.

  • Product Export (GWU-4058)

    • Previously: When exporting product tables to Excel, the Stock Method column displayed all the options regardless of the selected stock method.

    • Update: When exporting product tables to Excel, the Stock Method column displays the selected stock method.

  • Shop (GWU-4336)

    • Previously: When trying to send an email from the Shop Page, admin would receive an error after clicking Send Message, and the email would not be delivered.

    • Update: When sending an email from the Shop Page, the error has been fixed and emails are delivered.



  • Controller Totals (GWU-4539)

    • Update: A Year column has been added to the Controller Totals table.

  • Controller Totals (GWU-4016)

    • Previously: On the Controller Totals page, only program registrations can be seen on reports.

    • Update: On the Controller Totals page…

      • Users can select to Include Program-Associated Products when filtering.

      • A Product Category column has been added to the Results table.

      • A GL Account column has been added to the Results table.

      • A Type column has been added to the Results table to differentiate between programs and products.


  • Bulk Registration (GWU-3870)

    • Update: When using Bulk Registration, Team Contact Cell and Coach Cell columns have been added.

      • Team Contact Cell is a required field.

      • Coach Cell is a required field if Coach Name is filled out.

June 17, 2024

COMMIT #: 86ba30d



  • Split Invoices (GWU-4546)

    • Previously: In some instances, user couldn’t add/update split invoice allocations even though the invoice was set up for it.

    • Update: User can add/update split invoice allocations when the invoice is set up for it.

  • Shop (GWU-4585)

    • Previously: The Action Icons were broken and displaying as text.

    • Update: The Action Icons are properly displaying.


  • Locations (GWU-4491)

    • Previously: In some instances when editing an existing location, the Approved for General Use checkbox would disappear, resulting in the location to be hidden and not searchable within PlayerFirst.

    • Update: When editing an existing location the Approved for General Use checkbox remains visible allowing the location to be searchable within PlayerFirst.



  • Revenue Report (GWU-4575)

    • Update: A Backdated Revenue table has been added to the Revenue Report page. This table will show invoices created within the selected period but with a due date prior to the selected period.

  • Shop (GWU-3966)

    • Update:

      • Uniforms has been removed from the Category dropdown.

      • When creating a new Product, the following options have been added to the Category dropdown.

        • Apparel - Team Store: Uniforms or any gear specific to a club team.

        • Apparel - Brand Apparel: Generic branded apparel (tournament apparel, branded t-shirts, etc.).

        • Recruiting: Products that involve player recruiting.

        • Player Training: Products that involve player training.

        • Video: Products that involve video.

      • How to Create Shop Items

  • Invoices & A/R Aging Summary (GWU-4325)

    • Update:

      • A Billing Club/ Company column has been added to the Invoice table.

        • Admin can search for an Invoice using the Billing Club/ Company field.

      • A Company Name column has been added to the A/R Aging Summary table.

        • Admin can search for an Invoice using the Company Name field.

      • A Company Name column has been added to the A/R Report table.

        • Admin can search for an Invoice using the Company Name field.

Front End

  • Shop (GWU-4343)

    • Previously: In some instances, when a user was selecting a Uniform or Other product to purchase, users were prompted with Gate product related questions.

    • Update: When a user selects a Uniform or Other product to purchase, they will be prompted with questions related to the product type they selected.

  • User Accounts (GWU-4480)

    • Previously: If a user tried to create an account with a unique email address and a phone number tied to an existing account, the duplicate information would not be flagged allowing the user to create another PlayerFirst account.

    • Update: If a user tries to create an account with a unique email address and a phone number tied to an existing account, or an email address tied to an existing account and a unique phone number, the duplicate information will be flagged, preventing the user from creating another PlayerFirst account, and asking them to recover their existing account.

June 12, 2024

COMMIT #: 6a5e1c4



  • Create Message (GWU-4542)

    • Previously: In some instances when creating an email, the preview page would not load the body of the email resulting in a user being unable to verify how the email will look before sending.

    • Update: When creating an email, the preview page will load the body of the email allowing the user to verify how the email will look before sending.

Access App

  • Team Screen (GWU-4536)

    • Previously: In some instances, games that were scored, but canceled/deleted were still reflected on the team’s record that was being displayed on the Team Screen.

    • Update: Games that are scored but canceled/deleted will not reflect on a team’s record.

Team Reporting

  • Recruiting (GWU-4485)

    • Previously: On the Recruiting Tab page, the first adult profile that had a name entered was displayed to the admin on the Recruiting table, even if the profile didn’t have a Parent Email or Parent Phone.

    • Update: On the Recruiting Tab page, the adult profile with the most complete profile is displayed to the admin on the Recruiting table to prevent instances where a parent is missing Parent Email or Parent Phone.


Front End

  • Registration (GWU-4475)

    • Previously: When a user registers a team and assigns someone else as the Team Manager, the user who purchased the team would not be able to view the team’s roster under Teams.

    • Update: When a user registers a team and assigns someone else as the Team Manager, the user who purchased the team will be able to view the team’s roster under Teams.


  • Bulk Registration (GWU-4414)

    • Previously: When Bulk Registering teams, single selection Waiver Questions, Discount Amounts, and Type could not be edited using the Multiline edit tool.

    • Update: When Bulk Registering teams, all fields can be edited using the Multiline edit tool.


June 10, 2024

COMMIT #: f28e282


Web and Communication

  • CKEditor (GWU-4495)

    • Update: The link text on long-width buttons is no longer getting cut off in email communication.



  • Lodging (GWU-3540)

    • Update: When creating lodging for an event or program, a Has Hotel? attribute was added to the Product Details page. When enabled, TravelFirst will pin the rooms to the top of the lodging list on the event or program’s travel page.


June 7, 2024

COMMIT #: ff6ffda



  • Division Details (GWU-4501)

    • Previously: In some cases when trying to export data on the Division Details page, the export was failing due to the file size.

    • Update: Admin can export data on the Division Details page, no matter the size of the export.


  • Split Invoices (GWU-4477)

    • Previously:

      • Some completed Split Invoice payments weren’t being added as credits on an invoice.

      • Some split invoices were missing Scheduled Payments that were supposed to be linked to a Coach or Team Manager’s credit card.

      • On invoices for Split Invoice Payments (paid by athlete), Athlete Name wasn’t included on the invoice line item.

      • When managing a Split Invoice roster, the Balance Due was calculated incorrectly on the Split Invoice Payments Status.

      • When trying to update an invoice balance, the balance was incorporating transaction fees, preventing team managers from saving the allocation adjustment.

    • Update:

      • All completed Split Invoice payments are added as credits on an invoice.

      • All split invoices include Scheduled Payments that are linked to a Coach or Team Manager’s credit card.

      • On invoices for Split Invoice Payments (paid by athlete), Athlete Name is included invoice line item.

      • When managing a Split Invoice roster, the Balance Due is calculated correctly on the Split Invoice Payments Status,

      • When updating an invoice balance, the balance no longer incorporates transaction fees.


  • Split Invoices (GWU-4473)

    • Previously: The system generated Pending Credit Card charge, was being erroneously reduced by twice as much as each spilt invoice payment that was made by an athlete.

    • Update: The system generated Pending Credit Card charge, is no longer being reduced by twice as much as each spilt invoice payment that was made by an athlete.



  • Invoices (GWU-4238)

    • Update: An Invoice Item Type dropdown has been added to the Advanced Filter. The options include All Invoices, Program Registration Only, and Product Purchase Only.

      • All Invoices (default)

        • All invoices associated with the brand

      • Program Registration Only

        • Invoices associated with program registration

      • Product Purchase Only

        • Invoices associated with Product purchases.

June 5, 2024

COMMIT #: 04d299b


Access App

  • Login (GWU-4469)

    • Previously: When logging into the Access App, if a user had multiple accounts, some accounts didn’t display the user’s email address.

    • Update: When logging into the Access App, if a user had multiple accounts, all accounts will display the user’s email address.



  • Team Reporting (GWU-4502)

    • Update: The following columns have been added to the Recruiting tab under Team Reporting.

      • Academic Achievements

      • Athletic Achievements

      • Extracurricular and Other Achievements

Front End

  • Roster Waiver/Quick Waiver (GWU-4284)

    • Previously: If a user selected Yes to Opt-In to NCSA or UA Rewards during the Roster Waiver and Quick Waiver process, an error page was thrown, explaining an Athlete Email Address, Athlete Cell Phone and Athlete Zip Code were missing.

    • Update: A user can successfully Opt-In to NCSA or UA Rewards during the Roster Waiver and Quick Waiver process, using the information collected via the Roster Waiver or the Quick Waiver.


  • Revenue Report (GWU-4534)

    • Update: Added a page called Revenue Report. This page is only accessible to root admin.

June 4, 2024

COMMIT #: 288efb3



  • Leagues & Tournaments (GWU-4413)

    • Previously: After selecting a forfeiture and saving, the Forfeit dropdown defaulted back to No.

    • Update: After selecting a forfeiture and saving, the Forfeit dropdown correctly displays the saved selection.

My Dashboard

  • Advanced Filters (GWU-4479)

    • Previously: When an admin selected All Brands on the Advanced Filter, the Dashboard would include NILAX data, essentially bad data from a brand meant for testing.

    • Update: When an admin selects All Brands on the Advanced Filter, the Dashboard will no longer include NILAX data.



  • Registration Details (GWU-4159)

    • Update: A Jersey # Required for Scoring checkbox has been added as a program level setting under Permissions.

Access App (GWU-4504)

  • Access App

    • Previously: The Division Order on the Access App did not mirror the Division Order set on the website.

    • Update: The Division Order on the Access App mirrors the Division Order set on the website.


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