
February 29, 2024

COMMIT #: d67e68b



  • Programs (GWU-4106)

    • Update: Replace all instances of “Sports Director” with “Admin” and all instances of “Site Settings” with “Operations”. E.g., “Sports Director Approved” will now read “Admin Approved,” and “Site Settings Approved” will now read “Operations Approved.”


  • Account Credits (GWU-4101)

    • Update: Add functionality to support the moving of credits from outside of PlayerFirst (Gotsport, etc.) into PlayerFirst. This function can only be used by admin.


  • Messaging (GWU-3756)

    • Previously: Some athlete profiles had a secondary email address that was being sent emails through PlayerFirst even though there wasn’t a GUI to view and edit these email addresses on the athlete’s profile.

    • Update: PlayerFirst will no longer send emails to any athlete’s secondary email address since they cannot be updated by a user or admin.

Site Settings

  • Fees (GWU-3608)

    • Previously: For brands with Rollup Fees enabled, a 100% discount code would only cover the cost of the line item, excluding the rollup fee. E.g., for an item that costs $10, $11 with the rollup fee, the 100% discount code would equate to $10.

    • Update: For brands with Rollup Fees enabled, a 100% discount code will cover the cost of the line item and the applicable rollup fee. E.g., for an item that costs $10, $11 with the rollup fee, the 100% discount code will equate to $11.

February 26, 2024

COMMIT #: 5e632fd


Edit Program

  • Waitlist (GWU-4064)

    • Previously: The setting to waitlist all program registrations after a set date and time didn’t work properly and was allowing registrations within that program after the set date and time.

    • Update: The setting to waitlist all program registrations after a set date and time will only allow waitlist registrations after the set date and time.


  • Leagues & Tournaments (GWU-2494)

    • Previously: If a tournament was deleted, and a new tournament was created with the same source program, the deleted tournament’s name would appear on the schedule page for that program and data tokens would source the deleted tournament’s name as opposed to the new tournament’s name.

    • Update: If a tournament was deleted, and a new tournament is created with the same source program, the deleted tournament’s name will no longer appear on the schedule page for that program and data tokens will source the new tournament’s name.

Edit Program

  • Edit Public Pages (GWU-1935)

    • Previously: A program’s sub navigation would not mirror changes to a page’s title upon saving.

    • Update: A program’s sub navigation will mirror changes to a page’s title upon saving.

February 22, 2024

COMMIT #: d60dd97



  • Merge Accounts (GWU-3939)

    • Previously: Occasionally, an error would occur when merging accounts, resulting in the user profiles merging from their original account into the selected account, but the invoices attached to the original account would not merge into the selected account.

    • Update: When merging accounts, the user profiles and invoices merge from their original account into the selected account.



  • Create Program (GWU-3773)

    • Update: The entire process for creating and/or copying programs has been streamlined. Updates include…

      • One button to begin the create program and the copy program process.

      • The design incorporates more required questions like Insurance Options, Accounting Group, Event Start and End Dates, Program Fiscal Year, Activity Type, Sub Brand, Program Start and Stop Showing Dates, and Time Zone.

February 20, 2024

COMMIT #: a5dbed7



  • Bulk Registration (GWU-4065)

    • Previously: Single Select registration questions that included apostrophes or quotation marks forcing an error that would not record the value for optional questions or, a warning telling the admin to complete all required fields, for required questions.

    • Update: Single Select registration questions that included apostrophes or quotation marks no longer force an error, and all completed values are recorded.


  • Shop (GWU-3870)

    • Previously: The act of editing gate products would automatically change the multi-use setting from enabled to disabled.

    • Update: The act of editing gate products will not automatically change any settings, including the multi-use setting. Settings can only be changed manually.


Front End

  • Edit Program Page (GWU-4031)

    • Update: The Embed Team Page Link, Seasonal Player Leaders, and Event Player Leaders settings have been removed as options from each page section. These settings were obsolete in PlayerFirst v2.

February 19, 2024

COMMIT #: 03d69a2


Front End

  • Communications (GWU-4086)

    • Previously: In a very unique use case, where a family has multiple athletes on the same team, coaches/team managers were allowed to select an individual athlete from that family to email, and the system didn’t force select that athlete’s parents, allowing the coach or admin to message the athlete without CCing their parents.

    • Update: This unique use case no longer allows coaches/team managers the ability to message an athlete without CCing their parents.

February 16, 2024

COMMIT #: d60dd97



  • Shop (GWU-4054)

    • Previously: Editing a shop product with a price that is not a whole number resulted in the product’s price automatically rounding to the nearest dollar.

    • Update: Editing a shop product with a price that is not a whole number will not automatically result in a change in the product’s price.



  • Create Invoice (GWU-4062)

    • Update: Add an Item Type and an Account Type for admin to use when creating an invoice for prepayments/overpayments by check.


  • Programs (GWU-3268)

    • Previously: Short Name served as a way to group programs and track their year-over-year performance, but that feature has been subsumed for financial use.

    • Update: Program Groups will serve as a way to group programs and track their year-over-year performance.

      • A program can be assigned to a Program Group on the Edit Programs/Basics page.

      • Program Groups can be managed from Program > Program Groups.

      • Program Groups are unique to each brand.

February 15, 2024

COMMIT #: 8b2d760



  • Create Message (GWU-4085)

    • Previously: Very large email lists were failing to load.

    • Update: Very large email lists load successfully.


  • Register (GWU-4051)

    • Previously: During the process of an admin registering a single user, several buttons could be clicked multiple times, resulting in the creation of multiple invoices.

    • Update: During the process of an admin registering a single user, all buttons that result in the creation of an invoice can only be clicked once, with some alerting the admin to wait for the next page to load.


  • Shop Messaging (GWU-3947)

    • Previously: An SMS message is currently required before an admin can send their email.

    • Update: The SMS messaging option has been removed and is no longer required before an admin can send their email.


  • Invoices (GWU-3813)

    • Previously: When filtering for past due invoices, past due invoices that are missing scheduled payments were excluded from the search results.

    • Update: When filtering for past due invoices, past due invoices that are missing scheduled payments are included in the search results.


  • Invoices (GWU-3365)

    • Previously: Rounding errors adversely affected the results being displayed when using the Payment filter.

    • Update: The root cause of the rounding errors has been fixed.


Front End

  • Compose Email (GWU-3779)

    • Previously: Coaches and team managers could not use data tokens when composing an email on the front end.

    • Update: Coaches and team managers can use data tokens when composing an email on the front end.


  • Edit Profiles (GWU-3689)

    • Previously: When updating a user’s profile that was missing required information, an admin would be forced to add that required information to save the changes. This forced the admin to include false information or abandon making the changes if they couldn’t complete the required fields.

    • Update: For admin, the only required information for updating a profile is a first name and a last name. Profile information requirements still apply to users.

February 9, 2024

COMMIT #: bf40b0c, 8f55ab5



  • Invoices (GWU-4076)

    • Previously: Credit card payments could not be processed for the brand, EDP, because WorldPay required that the name of the brand be at least 4 characters.

    • Update: Credit card payments can now be processed for the brand, EDP.


Site Settings

  • Orders (GWU-4018)

    • Previously: The setting to manage the number of minutes until a cart timed out was hard-coded, could not be updated by an admin, and applied globally.

    • Update:

      • Added a global setting for admin to manage the number of minutes until a cart will timeout.

      • Added a brand setting for admin to manage the number of minutes until a cart will timeout. The brand setting will override the global setting.


  • Downloads and Reports (GWU-3988)

    • Update: Added a Division Pool Report that summarizes the number of teams, number of pool games, number of cross-pool games, number of bracket games, total number of games, locations, number of pools, pool names, and number of teams per pool for a division.

Front End

  • Quick Waiver (GWU-3814)

    • Update: During the Quick Waiver process, there is now a field to add a phone number and a checkbox to opt into a Marketing SMS.


  • Communication History (GWU-3532)

    • Update:

      • Email Recipient Count has been added to the analytics page.

      • Recipient Count has been renamed to PlayerFirst Count on the analytics page.

      • Email Deliverability Rate will only show the percentage of valid emails that were delivered to.

February 8, 2024

COMMIT #: d449e1f



  • Invoices (GWU-3955)

    • Update: When an invoice line item is manually added to an invoice, the “Program to Link” field is required, and the invoice cannot be saved until a program is selected.

February 7, 2024

COMMIT #: 9392a27, 1ff02b0



  • Team Management (GWU-4067)

    • Previously: The system would not save a team name with an apostrophe.

    • Update: The system now saves a team name with an apostrophe.



  • Program Edit (GWU-3275)

    • Previously: When creating a program, admin had to include the year in the title because there was no program year field.

    • Update: There is now a Program Year field as well as validation checking for years in the Program Name field.

      • Note: Admin will have to put the year in the Program Year and not the Program Name or the program will not save.

February 5, 2024

COMMIT #: 76fec10



  • Invoices (GWU-4023)

    • Previously: When exporting to Excel, the Purchased column was showing code.

    • Update: When exporting to Excel, the Purchased column shows correctly.

  • Payment Plan Status (GWU-3999)

    • Previously: When exporting to Excel, the Line column shows multiple line items.

    • Update: When exporting to Excel, each line item displays on a new line.




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