

JUNE 28, 2023

COMMIT #: c588216


  • Program

    • Registration Details: A “Calculate” button has been added on the “Reporting” page. If Registration or Financial Targets have been defined on the “Division” level, clicking the “Calculate” button will update the values if they have been previously entered manually. Note - any updates to the “Division” level values will be automatically calculated and update when the “Reporting” page is reloaded. (GWU-2017)

  • Site Settings

    • Sports: Root Admin users can now edit the scoring for each sport. This is done via Site Settings>Sport page in the “Actions” column. Note - “Edit Positions” is still present with a new button design. (GWU-2626)


  • Program

    • Register: When an Admin registered an athlete for a program and add-on program - both having custom waiver questions- answers to the questions would not be visible at invoice line-item for the add-on OR at the add-on’s Program>Register>Divisions page. This has been corrected so that all answers to BOTH program question appear in each line-item and on the Divisions page. (GWU-2698)

    • Registration Details: Adding a registration from the waitlist was incorrectly resulting in the registration not being removed from the waitlist. This has been corrected so that the registration can be added and it is then removed from showing on the waitlist. (GWU-2711)

  • Sales

    • A/R Report: When multiple invoices are attached to one or more emails, the email was being sent and a 500 Error message was being displayed to the Admin. This has been corrected so that the email is sent and a confirmation is displayed to the Admin. (GWU-2872)

    • Shop Order Item Table: On the Sales > Invoices, Sales > Lodging and Sales > Shop pages the raw code was displaying instead of a functional link. This has been corrected so that a functional link now appears on all of these pages. (GWU-2988)

    • Shop: The “Edit” and “View” icons were missing for some products. This has been corrected so that the “Edit” and “View” icons are now present for all products. (GWU-2989)

JUNE 27, 2023

COMMIT #: 2b29c7d


  • Communication

    • Create Message: Improved visual appearance of buttons when converted to email HTML. (GWU-2945)

  • Front End

    • Team Registration: A field has been added for “Coach Phone Number.” (GWU-2762)

  • Travel

    • Block Details: The “Associated Program” has been added at the bottom of the block confirmation email to show the event info. (GWU-2892)

    • Booking Codes: A button has been added to the right of “Booking Codes” on the “Lodging Products” page when there is a reserving profile set. This button sends out an email similar to when a user reserves a block and includes any blocks on the product that have the same booking/access code. (GWU-2067)

    • Product Details: Previously, the fields were “Place’s Contact Name”, “Place’s Contact Email” and “Place’s Contact Phone.” The fields have been updated to “Hotel Event Manager”, “Hotel Sales Manager” and “Accounting Contact.” (GWU-2065)


  • Sales

    • Account Credits: When creating an Account Credit, the “Save” button can be clicked multiple times, resulting in multiple Account Credits being created. This has been corrected so that the “Save” button can only be clicked once, resulting in only one Account Credit being created. (GWU-2553)

    • Balance Payments: For invoices with payment plans with multiple same day entries, clicking “Balance Payments” resulted in installment fees not properly combining and spreading out equally across remaining scheduled payments. This has been corrected so that clicking “Balance Payments” now results in installment fees combining and spreading out equally across remaining scheduled payments. (GWU-2693)

  • Schedule

    • Leagues & Tournaments: The correct time zone was displayed in both the mobile app and the field timeline, but the incorrect time zone was displayed on the “Scoring” page. This has been corrected so the time zone now matches on the “Scoring” page. (GWU-2907)

  • Travel

    • Access Code: Previously, when using an Access Code to book lodging, the reservation dates would display the default “Check-In/Out” dates as defined in “Lodging Details” - Sales > Lodging > Product Details. For example, if the “Check-In/Out” was set for 9/20 through 10/20, but the Access Code range was set for 10/1 through 10/4, the reservation dates on the front-end would show as 9/20 through 10/20 by default. This has been corrected so the “Check-In/Out” date range now matches the Access Code date range when a user books with an Access Code. (GWU-2064)

    • Room Block: Previously, the link to email Room Block content from Travel First was not visible. The link is now visible and highlighted in bold to for simpler emailing of the Room Block content. (GWU-2866)

JUNE 22, 2023

COMMIT #: 20a0c33


  • Communication

    • Recipient Selection Workflow:

      • Overall Enhancements for Increased Intuitive Usability

      • Ability to go directly back to filter selections, instead of using the back button

      • Quicker workflows (ex: skipping to “compose”, # of clicks)

      • Updated nomenclature

      • Improved scrolling view functionality

    • Composition Editor:

      • New Sidecar with Increased Capabilities

      • Multiple new colors and fonts

      • New header icons and tile layout options

      • Additional image editing capabilities

        • Crop, zoom, resize, undo and link

      • Cleaner image/tile margins and alignment

      • Ability to affect the entire email at once, or just 1 tile

      • Improve row/tile settings and spacing

      • Header logo outline optionality

      • Ability to add and edit social media icons that link to each site

      • Improved copy and paste functionalities

    • Composition Layout:

      • Improved Consistency in Email Composition, Preview and End Product to Customer

      • Uniformity in layouts and alignment across different views

      • Added “preview” view for tablet and phone

      • Improved paragraph wrapping/display capabilities

    • Deliverability:

      • Increased Email Throughput Ability

      • Updated sending logic to avoid server timeouts and ensure delivery of large recipient list emails

    • Media Manager & Image Quality:

      • Marketing image database uploaded

      • Added warning pop-ups (bad quality image, when sending to multiple brands)

      • Faster uploads in Media Manager

    • Default Message Footer:

      • Improved default brand and sponsor footer look and functionality

JUNE 20, 2023

COMMIT #: 04259d8


  • Sales

    • Invoices: Deleting a line item from an invoice will now automatically trigger the “Balance Payments” workflow. (GWU-2484)

  • Team

    • Team Management: Previously, when sending a waiver email request from the “Roster Management” page, the waiver was sent to the Athlete’s email address. This has been updated to now send the waiver to the Parent’s email address. (GWU-2897)

  • User

    • Profile: The user’s address previously showed on one line. This has been updated to display the address on two different lines. (GWU-2351)


  • Front End

    • Team Information: Previously, when changing the “Team Name”, “Team Hometown” or “Team State”, the page headers did NOT update until the page was refreshed or revisited. This has been corrected so that the page will update without needing to refresh or revisit the page. (GWU-2816)

  • Program

    • Roster Size: The “Maximum Team Roster Size” has a default of 30 athletes. When a “Division” or “Program” setting was greater than 30 athletes, the default of 30 was still applying. This has been corrected so that the default can be overridden by a “Division” or “Program” setting. (GWU-2650)

  • Sales

    • Discounts: When a discount was setup to apply to a specific number of items, only one item was showing when editing “Discount Details.” This has been corrected so that all items that the discount code will apply to are now displayed. (GWU-2780)

  • Site Settings

    • Data Tokens: Some inconsistencies existed for which data tokens were working for automated emails. This has been corrected so that all data tokens function as expected for all automated emails. (GWU-2713)

JUNE 15, 2023

COMMIT #: f59059


  • Schedule

    • Block Change/Block Shift: Updated time zone logic to enable faster and more consistent schedule adjustments. (GWU-2884)


  • General

    • New User: When a Coach/Team Manager added an athlete to a roster with new info/email address, and then the athlete goes to create an account with the same email address, the athlete’s account info would be saved, but the info entered by the Coach/Team Manager would be deleted. This has been corrected so that when registering a new account, no prior info or profile associated with the registration will be deleted. (GWU-2896)

JUNE 14, 2023

COMMIT #: 209fd71 & 97d192a


  • General

    • Checkout: Previously, when collecting a non-refundable deposit, the “Due at Checkout” field shows as “Nothing.” This has been updated so the “Due at Checkout” field now shows as $0.00. (GWU-2071)

  • Program

    • Registration Details: Two new buttons have been added to the “Actions” column for EVT and LGE activity types. The first button links to a Tournament’s “Events App” page. The second button links to a Tournament’s “Leagues & Tournaments” page. In both cases, if the page doesn’t exist, the link will instead take the user to Schedule > Leagues & Tournaments > Add Tournament. (GWU-2590)

  • User

    • Recruiting: The “Recruiting Book” has been updated to only include positions from the sport of the brand being viewed. For example, if an athlete played both “forward” in Soccer and “midfield” in Lacrosse, and the “Recruiting Book” was for the Lacrosse brand, only the “midfield” position would appear for the athlete. (GWU-2875)

    • Users: When attempting to copy and paste a phone number into split fields, the phone number will now split correctly into each field. For a phone number that has the “1” before the area code, the “1” will automatically be dropped. For a phone number that is > 10 digits, but that does not start with one, the digit 11 and beyond will be dropped (ex: 2138471234567 would paste as 847-123-4567 and the 213 would be dropped). (GWU-2859)


  • Program

    • Registration Details: Responses to questions provided by the user were not populating on the “Details” page, but were being saved. This has been corrected to question response now populate on the “Details” page. (GWU-2754)

    • Registration Details: A conflict between filtering and sorting incorrectly caused not all of the “Details” page results to display. This conflict has been resolved, with filtering occurring before sorting, so now all of the “Details” page results display correctly. (GWU-2858)

  • Schedule

    • Field Timeline: Time zone issues were resolved for the “Field Timeline.” (GWU-2860)

JUNE 12, 2023

COMMIT #: Bfe0351 & 0f221c3


  • Program

    • Registration Details: Programs will now have both a “Tryout Goal” and a “Tryout Financial Target Goal.” These goals can be set at both the Program and Division levels. The Division level will override any goals set at the Program level. (GWU-2204)

    • Registration Details: The “Short Name” field has been updated to a typeahead selection of PBCS budget options. (GWU-2633)

  • Schedule

    • Add to Schedule: The “Team Limit” has been updated to 100 from 10 when scheduling multiple teams for a “Practice” or “Other.” (GWU-2655)

  • Travel

    • Export: “Start Date” and “End Date” now appear as “Lodging Start Date” and “Lodging End Date.” (GWU-1432)

    • Reporting: Updated “Occupancy Report” page to sort alphabetically by last name. Additionally, first and last name are now split into two different columns. (GWU-2068)

    • Room Block: Updated text for the automatic “Room Block” creation email. (GWU-2214)


  • Communication

    • Copy Message: When copying a message, the recipient count from the copied message is incorrectly being carried over. This has been corrected by composing a new message without recipients, so that the old recipient count is not carried over. (GWU-2753)

  • Front End

    • Athlete Profile: The input fields were incorrectly overlapping the main menu and sub-nave items when a user scrolled down. This has been corrected so that there are no overlapping fields. (GWU-1623)

  • Program

    • Registration Details: When attempting to save changes without completing required fields, a red alert pop-up appears to the user. For the 'Event End” alert, it was incorrectly truncated. This has been corrected so that the “Event End” alert appears in full and overlaps the “Year” field. (GWU-2775)

  • Sales

    • Invoices: When a discount amount whose value equals the cart total was applied at checkout, the invoice would incorrectly show a pending check. Additionally, the “Balance to Date” was incorrect. This has been corrected so that no pending check appears on the invoice and the “Balance to Date” is correct. (GWU-1833)

  • Schedule

    • Add to Schedule: When removing a Program, all teams selected are removed, regardless of association. This has been corrected so that when removing Program, only teams associated with the Program are removed. (GWU-2828)

    • Add to Schedule: When adding a Program after adding teams, all previously selected teams were being removed. This has been corrected so that both the Program and previously added teams remain on the schedule. (GWU-2766)

    • Bulk Edit: When games are scheduled via the Scheduler, they are not assigned a time zone. This results in the system assigning the games to the individual brand’s default time zone. This has been corrected so that the program’s default time zone is now assigned to all events created via the Scheduler for that program. (GWU-2862)

  • Travel

    • Exporting: The Export was not pulling the data properly. This has been corrected so the data now pulls into the Export properly. (GWU-1432)

JUNE 8, 2023

COMMIT #: 88b6968


  • General

    • Void Payment: A response was provided to the user on both the Events App and Web applications if an invoice was created incorrectly. However, only the Web application would also void the payment. This has been updated so now when an invoice is created incorrectly it will be voided on the Events App the same as on the Web application. (GWU-2811)

  • Program

    • Athlete Check-In: Several updates have been made to search functionality on this page. The “Program Search Field” now accepts a max of 5 programs, instead of the previous 10. Additionally, the “Divisions Search Field” now accepts a max of 5 divisions, as well. Lastly, a user must click “Filter” to initiate the search. Search for non-existent data will return no results. (GWU-2466)

    • Registration Details: The time an athlete joined the waitlist has been added alongside the date. This can be viewed in the “Waitlisted” column within each program. (GWU-2515)

  • Team

    • Team Management: A pop-up “Confirmation” message has been added when a user clicks “Send Waiver Links to Selected Rosters.” Previously, a user clicking this button would automatically send the waiver links. (GWU-2343)


  • Front End

    • Teams: When attempting to change a team name, clicking “Save” would result in the team logo being cleared and user getting stuck on the page. This has been corrected so that once a user changes a team name and clicks “Save” the action will complete successfully. (GWU-2777)

  • General

    • Exporting: The “Export to Excel” options was incorrectly missing from multiple pages with the Communication, Sales and Team sections. This has been corrected so the “Export to Excel” option now appears on these pages. (GWU-2665)

  • Sales

    • Invoices: When two or more distinct Teams or Athletes with the same name (for Athletes, first and last name) register in the same transaction, the “Registrant Column” value is incorrect. This has been updated so that the “Registrant Column” calculates correctly based on number of Teams or Athletes, regardless of name. (GWU-2363)

    • Payment Plans: When a user selects a program and enrolls in a payment plan with installment fees, begins checkout, but then navigates away from and back to their cart, duplicate scheduled payments incorrectly appear on the invoice. This has been corrected so that scheduled payments only appear once on the invoice if a user opts to enroll in a payment plan. (GWU-2708)

JUNE 7, 2023

COMMIT #: ccd1170


  • Communications

    • Create Message: Updated behavior of “Subtract Programs” and “Subtract Divisions” for more precise recipient list filtering. (GWU-2827)

  • Program

    • Public Pages: When a user was editing Public Pages, a the dropdown menu for each layout was overlapping the page’s header/edit tool bar when scrolling down. This has been updated so the dropdown menu no longer overlaps the page’s header/edit tool bar when scrolling down. (GWU-2740)

  • Sales

    • A/R Report: “Name” is now clickable and displays account information in a pop-out. “Phone/Note” now displays all unique parent/guardian phone numbers associated with an account. “Email” displays all unique email addresses associated with an account. Each phone number and email address is separated by a comma. Additionally, clicking “Send” will send an email to every email on that list. (GWU-2584)

    • Invoices: In “Advanced Filters” the verbiage has been updated from “Orders” to “Invoices.” Additionally, the option to filter “500 Invoices” has been added. (GWU-2026)


JUNE 6, 2023

COMMIT #: 9597ad0 & e0f0037


  • General

    • Filters: Updated the filtering logic in sortable tables for columns containing numbers. (GWU-2411)

  • Program

    • Registration Details: When a user selects Edit Program > Design they are now able to set a “Program Color.” This is same functionality as the “Brand Color” option found via Site Settings > Design. (GWU-2412).

  • Sales

    • Invoices: Previously, a user could only search for “Last Name” or “Order Number” in the main search field. A “Line Item” search was only available in “Advanced Filters.” Now, the “Line Item” search is available in the main search field. (GWU-2614)

    • Invoices: An error message was previously displayed for each line item on the invoice. This has been updated so that now only one banner appear for the entire invoice. (GWU-2514)


  • Location

    • Field Timeline: When filters are active, only filtered teams that appear on the timeline appear in the “Home” and “Away” dropdowns. This has been corrected so that all teams in the division appear in the dropdowns, regardless of the active filters. (GWU-2703)

  • Sales

    • Invoices: When users attempted to filter by “After Date” in “Advanced Filters” they incorrectly received invoices before the specified date. This has been corrected so that only invoices created after the “After Date” populate. (GWU-2719)

    • Invoices: Users were unable to apply an “External Credit Card” to some invoices. This has been corrected so an “External Credit Card” can be applied to these invoices. (GWU-2723)

    • Lodging Sales: When logged in as an Admin on the “Block Expiration” page, room block expirations were not being saved when clicking “Save.” This has been corrected so that an Admin can click “Save” and release room block expirations back into the public inventory. (GWU-2062)

  • Staff Schedule

    • Validate/Edit: For users with approval privileges, attempts to validate certain employee hours were resulting in an error message. This has been corrected so that users with approval privileges can complete validation of employee hours. (GWU-2812)

JUNE 2, 2023

COMMIT #: ffc37cb


  • Program

    • Registration Details: In the “Registration Totals” section, the following columns were not populating data - “Projected Cash”, “Due” and “Rostered.” These columns were populating in the “Program” section, but not at a roll-up level. This has been corrected so that all of these columns are now populating data at the roll-up level in the “Registration Totals” section. (GWU-2107)

  • Sales

    • Lodging Sales: When logged in as an Admin on the “Block Expiration” page, blocks with rooms remaining appear, but blocks with rooms filled do NOT appear. This has been corrected so that all blocks are shown on the “Block Expiration” page. (GWU-2063)


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