Internal Communications
12/9 - Class Finder Added to PlayerFirst Admin Menu
11/18- Workflow and Cart Refresh & Front End Bulk Registration
11/8 -Divison Table & Multi Move Update
7/22 - Web Front End - One-Time Code Added
6/14 - Update
5/31 - Bulk Registration Update
5/24 - Updates
5/13 - Updates to Registration Details Page
5/8 - Roster/Waiver Updates
12/9 - Class Finder Added
Class Finder has been added to the menu for Backend Users.
Users will only see classes associated with brands they have access to
The copy icon will copy and past to the clipboard for use outside of PF.
12/3 - Club App 5.2.2 Release
Schedule > Event Details
Updated Event Details view
Ability to Copy Location from this screen
Schedule > Attendance
Updated view and functionality
Sort feature added
Player Position display
Simplified workflow to Add Guest Player
Refreshed view of Orders & Invoices
Schedule > Attendance
Updated view and functionality
Sort feature added
Player Position display
Simplified workflow to Add Guest Player
My Team > Roster
Sort feature added
Refreshed view of Orders & Invoices
11/18 - Workflow and Cart Refresh & Front End Bulk Registration
Customer Checkout
Updated workflow to remove the waiver from registration and into the checkout process
Refreshed the look of many of the screens in the workflow
Previous State | Update |
Cart | |
Waiver | |
Payment Plan Option | |
Bulk Registration
Customers can now register multiple teams into an event or teams to multiple events
CSV upload available
New table view registration with multiline edit capabilities.
How to Bulk Team for a Program(s)
11/8 - Updates
Program > Registration Details > Edit Program > Division
A table has been added to the Division Tab to allow better visibility of Program Divisions
View All Divisions has been moved to the kebab
Use the icons for each division to edit, copy, or remove
Program > Registration Details > Division Details
Multiple registrations can be moved on the Division Details page
Users can now multi-select teams/individuals to move to different programs, divisions, or teams.
Multiline edit has been added once you select the registration to move for easy replication.
Updating payment plans and/or applying an adjustment are all options from this table.
How to Move Multiple Accepted Athletes/Teams
10/11 - Updates
Program > Division Details
Added Team Admin Notes column when any of the divisions are registered as teams.
Shop > Manage Catagory
A Manage Categories page was added to the breadcrumb menu on the Shop page.
This page was previously found under Global Settings
Admin can add or edit existing questions for specific shop categories.
NOTE: This is a Global setting, and we will add questions for all brands.
How to Add a Global Shop Catagory Question
9/25 - Updates
Team > Team Management & Team Reporting
(Deleted)” will display next to an athlete’s name to indicate if the profile has been deleted.
Ex: Mike Romano (Deleted)
Team > Team Reporting
A Quick Waiver column was added to show a green checkmark if the athlete completed a Quick Waiver. The field will be left blank if the athlete completes the Roster Waiver.
9/12 - Updates
Communication > Create Message
Product Filters have been added when creating a message
How to Email Users who have Registered for a Program and have/have not Purchased a Product
9/5 - Updates
Sales > Invoices > Create Invoice
During manual invoice creation…
The Brand and Sub-brand fields are now required.
Servicing Starts and Servicing Ends fields were added, and will only show when selecting a class directly with no program.
How to Create a Vendor Invoice
Club App > Message Tab
Users can pin and unpin chats within the Messages tab of the Club App
How to Pin/Unpin Messages in the Club App
8/23- Add-on Updates
Program > Registration Details > Edit> Add-ons
When editing a program, the Add-ons tab will display all existing add-ons in a table.
Users can Show During Registration or Show During Waivers when adding a new add-on.
On the Rosters tab on the Team Reporting page, a column was added to the Roster table to indicate if required products were purchased for each registrant.
8/2- Updates
Sales > Invoices > Add Invoice
New Categories and their corresponding GL codes have been added as Account Type options when creating a 3rd Party invoice.
How to Create a Vendor Invoice
Sales > Invoices > Receive a Payment
When receiving a payment, the allocation module will automatically distribute the payment evenly across all invoice items.
Allocation can be modified if necessary to apply to different line items.
Sales > Shop > Create a Subscription Product.
When creating a new product, a monthly or yearly payment option is now available.
This can be renewed automatically based on the term type that has been added.
An additional page has been added Sales > Subscription Status has been added to track, manage, or cancel payment plans.
How to Create a Subscription Documentation
Program > AES Status is live
The PlayerFirst AES Status Page is syncing to AES
All AES Registrations will now be invoiced out of PlayerFirst
AES Program Setting & Information
Program>Registration Details > Details Tab: Add Waiver Export
Export Waivers has been added as an option
From the Division Details tab, you will now have the option to export waivers for all athletes in the selected program in one file. The individual waivers are each a page in the file.
Club App > Add Event Update
We have updated how a user can add an event
7/22- Web Front End Addition: One-Time Code
Users will now have the option to use a ONE-TIME CODE or PASSWORD once they have entered their Username, Email, or Phone Number associated with their account to log in.
This remains the same as the current state and should be selected when user knows the or has saved the password associated with their accout.
One-Time Code
Will prompt the user to select the email address or phone number associated with an account.
This option will appear at each login.
A code will be used to verify and login to the account.
This option will appear at each login.
Sales Tax Information.pdf
6/28 - UPDATES
Team > Team Reporting > Roster
Quick Waiver players will now show under this table too, with “Division” and “Team” columns blank
To find these athletes on Team > Team Reporting > Roster Filter by filtering by Program only
Shop > Gate/Parking
When someone purchases a gate/parking after their purchase is complete, they will be prompted to sign a waiver
If they have an athlete in their profile without a valid waiver
If someone purchases a gate/parking product type, and they do not have an athlete in their profile, they will be prompted to sign a waiver.
Sales > Shop
Users can now bulk copy products in Shop under Product Details
Program > Bulk Registration
PlayerFirst has added several options to the Message to help improve the workflow and recipient options based on filter selections.
Skip Recipient List Preview will allow you to skip this step and the time it takes to load this page.
Schedule Resend gives the ability to save additional date(s) for messages to send to those in the list who have not opened the message, and send with an updated subject.
The ability to Include athletes that have completed a quick waiver can not be selected from the Additional Recipients from Program(s) filters.
Access App First Time Checkout
The checkout process has been dated to include a First Time Checkout option. This will allow our customers to create their profiles during the checkout process.
Note: Prior the customer was taken out of the App and into the web to create their profile.
5/13 - Changes to Program > Registration Details Page
PlayerFirst will be releasing a change to Program > Registration Details that will be a noticeable and impactful change to our users. Please make your brands aware of this change before release
PlayerFirst will be updating and combing the sub-navigation under Program > Registration Details. This will add a Program Summary page and combine the Status and Details Page into just Details.
NOTE: All currently saved custom views will no longer apply and will need to be saved again with the new column display.
New Navigation Tabs:
Current - Division / Status / Details
Updated To - Summary / Division / Details
Comparing the current and new views
When you Select Your Program from Program > Registration Details | |
DIVISIONS - All Division Total /Program information & Status | SUMMARY -Important Program Information & Status |
STATUS - Selected Division Financials | DIVISION - All Division Totals and Financials |
DETAILS - Selected Division Information | DETAILS - Selected Division Financials & Information |
5/8 - Roster/Waiver Live Updates Live
PlayerFirst has made several updates to the Roster/Waiver process. We have taken the feedback gathered from our brands and families, and the following are now live!
Please share with your brands.
Birthday and Grad Year will no longer be required.
Template and documentation have been updated to reflect this change
When saving a roster Coaches/Directions will have the opportunity to send an email to all athletes on the roster to allow for update of parent/guardian contact and athlete information
At the brand level - Jersey numbers can be made optional when rostering
This is by brand not by program.
XLS files will be able to be uploaded and saved.
PF Templates will still be CSVs, but an XLS file will no longer prevent the user from uploading and saving
Updating and displaying better feedback
We have added a column that will show if an athlete has an Existing profile.
More specific messaging when a customer encounters issues saving.