How to Add a Guest Player for an Event (Coaches & Team Managers)

How to Add a Guest Player for an Event (Coaches & Team Managers)

  1. Sign in to your PlayerFirst Club App.

  2. Click the Calendar icon,

  3. Select the Event.

  4. Select the Attendance tab.

  5. Press Add Guest Player at the bottom of the attendance list.

  6. Search the Player Name.

  7. Select the Player.

  8. Player will now appear on the Attendance for that event.

    1. To remove the player, click Remove Guest Player button.

    2. Auto-confirms that the added player is attending the event under Attendance & Status.

Note: Guest Player is able to view schedule, send emails and chat with the team until the event ends. Once the event ends, the Guest Player will no longer be able to view the schedule, send emails or chat with the team.
