How to Move Athletes Who've Accepted Their Roster Spots From One Team to Another & Adjust The Invoice

How to Move Athletes Who've Accepted Their Roster Spots From One Team to Another & Adjust The Invoice


Note: The divisions between which athletes are being moved to/from have to have their tryouts closed in order to complete a move. If tryouts are closed, skip this section.

  1. On the left navigation, click Program > Registration Details.

  2. Click the Pencil icon next to your desired program.

  3. Click the Divisions tab.

  4. Click Edit Multiple Divisions.

  5. Close Tryout Registrations: set the tryout close date and time to a date and time that is in the past for all applicable divisions.

  6. Click Save Changes.


Note: This can only be done with programs that have tryouts and only after the athlete has accepted their roster spot.

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Team > Team Management.

  3. Select Program.

  4. Select Division.

    1. Note: if an athlete is moving divisions, select all applicable divisions.

  5. When applicable, select Team.

  6. Click the checkbox next to the athlete being moved.

    1. Note: multiple athletes can be selected.

  7. Click the Move icon.

  8. Select new team athlete is moving to from the dropdown.

  9. Click Move Selected.



  • Moving athletes or teams in this way will update the invoice, and if the new program/division costs more or less, changes to to the invoice may be necessary by admin. 

  • The maximum number of teams/athletes that can be moved at once is 20.

  • When moving an athlete, he divisions which the athletes are being moved to/from have to have their tryouts closed in order to complete a move.

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Program > Registration Details.

  3. Click your desired program.

  4. Click the Divisions tab in the sub-navigation, and select the desired division(s).

  5. Click > Show Selected Divisions.

  6. On the Details tab, find the row belonging to the athlete or team you want to move and click the Move icon under the Actions column.

    • To move multiple athletes or teams, use the multi-select checkboxes to select the athletes you need to move. Then use the Move icon at the top of the table.

  7. On the Move Registrations page, fill in the necessary information for each team/athlete being moved.

    • Payment Plan:

      • If the team or athlete has a payment plan set up before the move, leaving the Payment Plan field blank on the Move Registrations page will update the amount due on their current payment schedule.

      • If the team or athlete has a payment plan set up before the move, adding a plan to the Payment Plan field on the Move Registrations page will require admin to update the invoice. Admin will have to remove the new installment fee line item that is added.

      • If the team or athlete does not have a payment plan set up before the move, adding a plan to the Payment Plan field on the Move Registrations page will add the selected payment plan to the invoice.

    • Adjustment Amount:

      • Adjustment Amounts cannot be a negative number.

      • Adding an Adjustment Amount will change the Net Cost Change column.

    • Prior Net Cost & Net Cost Change:

      • These numbers will show a slight variance depending on whether a brand uses roll-up fees.

  8. Once all information necessary is filled out, click Continue.

    • If attempting to move an individual to a team registration, you will not be allowed to proceed.





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