How to Un-Waitlist a Registration

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Program > Registration Details.

  3. Select program.

  4. Click Divisions in the sub navigation.

  5. Select division(s).

  6. Click and Show Selected Divisions.

  7. On the Details tab, waitlisted registrations will have a green check mark in the Waitlisted column.

  8. Scroll to the right on the row of the registration being added.

  9. Click the Un-Waitlist icon.

  10. A pop-up will appear confirming the item has been moved off the waitlist and will show the balance due.

    1. To pay the balance, click View Invoice.

Note: if the decision is made to open up additional spots for a division, all waitlisted registrations should be un-waitlisted first.

Ex: the max number of teams is set to 20 and there are 2 teams on the waitlist. The decision is made to add 3 more spots, bringing the division total to 25. Prior to opening up registration for the 3 new spots, the 2 waitlisted teams should have their registrations un-waitlisted.


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