May 30, 2024
COMMIT #: 1c80aff
Front End
Waivers (GWU-4418)
Previously: Waiver emails weren’t sending to users with valid email addresses on their account.
Update: Waiver emails will now send to users with valid email addresses on their account.
May 29, 2024
COMMIT #: a2cff38
Bulk Registration (GWU-4412)
Update: When bulk registering teams for a program, an Auto-Save feature will save all data every 30 seconds. The Auto-Save indicator on the page will show admin the last time the page’s data was saved.
May 23, 2024
COMMIT #: 89d1a3c
Front End
Roster Upload (GWU-4386)
Update: For programs with Double Rostered Athletes enabled, athletes marked as Rostered when bulk uploading a roster using a .csv, will remain as Rostered after saving.
COMMIT #: 00d81c1
Front End
Orders & Payments (GWU-4169)
Previously: Roll up fees were being miscalculated for Payment Plan Installment Fees, resulting in the some parts of the website to show conflicting balances.
Update: Roll up fees are correctly calculated for Payment Plan Installment Fees, resulting in the identical balances throughout the website.
Message History (GWU-4389)
Pagination has been added to the Message History page. Keep in mind that in order to display pagination, the Results Count setting has to be configured to show more than 100 results.
Create Message (GWU-3950)
Update: If an admin visits the Compose Page and needs to update their filters, the admin can return to any filter, and use the Skip to Compose button to jump back to the compose page immediately. In this case, filters will automatically save when Skip to Compose is clicked.
Create Message (GWU-1980)
Previously: The Filter Player Evaluations dropdown defaulted to Evaluation Created on or After.
Update: The Filter Player Evaluations dropdown now defaults to Select Option.
Create Message (GWU-4449)
Update: When creating a message, a waiver status option has been added and will default to be selected when Adding Receipts From Program(s). This waiver status allows admin to include athletes who have completed a quick waiver for selected program(s) in their recipients list.
Create Message (GWU-3270)
Update: Converted as many of the communication filters as possible to work without requiring the webpage to reload, drastically reducing the time it takes to create and compose an email.
Note: The Program and Teams filters will continue to require the webpage to reload.
Site Settings
Communications (GWU-4381)
Update: The Export Privacy Notice Email produces a working link.
Locations (GWU-4273)
Update: When creating a new location, Approved for General Use and Visible for General Use are enabled.
Shop (GWU-3711)
Update: Added a Download icon on the Items Details page allowing admin to download a ticket/ QR code. Admin have the ability to download a single ticket or all tickets from an invoice.
Shop (GWU-3829)
Added a Trash Can icon on the Items Details page allowing admin to remove shop items.
A Confirmation Message will appear confirming you want to remove this item.
A Review Invoice Message will appear letting the admin know which invoice number will be affected.
Once an item is deleted, a Restore icon appear under the Actions Column and the deleted line is shaded in red.
May 22, 2024
COMMIT #: 3b7aaba
Registration Details (GWU-4324)
Update: On the Registration Details page, admin can hover over programs with longer names to properly view the full program name.
COMMIT #: 17d269a
Split Invoices (GWU-4471)
When athletes paid their split allocations, the transaction fee amount was included in the Total Paid section under the Split Invoice Payment Status.
The Split Invoice Allocation column would show the amount paid on the invoice instead of the amount paid on the line item.
The Athletes Paid counter would not change after athletes paid their split allocation.
When athletes pay their split allocations, the transaction fee amount is not included in the Total Paid section under the Split Invoice Payment Status.
The Split Invoice Allocation column shows the amount paid on the line item.
The Athletes Paid counter correctly indicates the number of athletes who have paid their split allocation.
Team Reporting (GWU-4375)
Previously: If a user had multiple profiles with a shared email address, PlayerFirst would pull the first adult profile associated regardless of information provided. In some cases, this would result in an incomplete adult profile being pulled into the reporting page despite a second completed adult profile associated with the account.
Update: PlayerFirst will use the following parameters to pull an adult profile into a reporting page.
First Name, Last Name, Email and Phone Number associated.
If that does not exist, First Name, Last Name and Email associated.
If that does not exist, First Name, Last Name and Phone Number associated.
Club App
Log In (GWU-4463)
Previously: Users were unable to log in using access codes to the Club App.
Update: Users are able to log in using access codes to the Club App.
Site Settings
Waivers (GWU-4430)
Update: Admin can select if programming will ask for a Quick Waiver or Roster Waiver. This will determine which waiver the Access App Waiver will link users to.
May 20, 2024
COMMIT #: 677eef5
Registration Details (GWU-4357)
Previously: When Show Program Cost During Tryout Registration is disabled, the Program Cost would not remain hidden to the user, displaying the cost after a tryout registration closed.
Update: When Show Program Cost During Tryout Registration is disabled, the Program Cost will remain private to the user after a tryout registration is closed.
Journal Entries (GWU-4416)
Previously: When viewing the invoice for a Journal Entry, the program name could only be seen if the line item was expanded.
Update: When viewing the invoice for a Journal Entry, the program name can be seen without expanding the line item.
May 17, 2024
COMMIT #: aed7581
Create Messages (GWU-4455)
Previously: When sending an email to College Coaches and College Sport was not selected, the email would fail to send to its recipients.
Update: When sending an email to College Coaches, College Sport will default to the brand’s sport unless a specific College Sport selection is made.
Shop (GWU-4334)
Update: Added a column labeled Sold on App to show how many products have been purchased through the app.
Invoices (GWU-4335)
Update: When viewing an invoice, purchases made through the app will show a green checkmark in the column Sold on App.
Events App
Login (GWU-4277)
Update: When a user with multiple accounts goes to sign in, they will be prompted to select which username they want to sign in with. The account that was used to sign in most recently will be at the top.
Mobile Apps
First Time Checkout (GWU-4407)
Update: Added First Time Checkout to mobile apps that allows users to make a purchase by providing Email, Phone Number, Credit Card information, and Zip Code.
COMMIT #: 614b946
Front End
Mobile Navigation (GWU-4392)
Update: Mobile navigation has greater differentiation between the main header and the sub navigation.
Quick Waiver (GWU-4265)
Update: After a user signs a Quick Waiver, they are directed to a Thank You page where a Shop Products for this Program button was added. This button will bring the user to a shop page showing products related to the program they selected in the waiver.
Text Editor (GWU-4099)
Update: When adding an Add to Cart prebuilt layout into the text editor, products can be grouped by the associated program, category, and cost.
May 16, 2024
COMMIT #: 61a9071
Communication (GWU-4406)
Previously: When sending a Transactional SMS only message to a mobile device, the delivery was unsuccessful. A transactional SMS only message would send a blank message to the users PlayerFirst Club App inbox
A transactional SMS only message will successfully send to a mobile device and a users inbox on the PlayerFirst Club app.
Front End
User (GWU-4415)
Previously: User search results would come up empty when using the Company Field.
Update: User search results are produced when using the Company Field.
Invoices (GWU-4141)
Update: When searching within a brand for invoices in other brands, admin can now open an invoice that originates in another brand without being forced to log in to that brand first.
Messaging Schedule (GWU-3760)
Previously: When updating the Scheduled Time for a scheduled message, the user had to change the field on the Create Message page.
Update: The Scheduled Time column can be edited in-row on the Messaging Schedule page. Admin can now update multiple Scheduled Times at once.
Edit Program (GWU-4092)
Update: When creating a program that is not taking registration via PlayerFirst, the following fields have been changed to optional on the Edit Program page:
Basics Tab
Program Cost
List Name
Registration Tab
Start Showing
Stop Showing
Start Showing Tryouts on Website
Reporting Tab
Divisions Tab
Division Names
Approval Banner
The Program requires approval to go live. banner is changed to Program requires approval.
May 13, 2024
COMMIT #: 938516c
Roster Management
Coach Portal (GWU-4259)
Update: The Accept and Decline buttons won’t appear on the roster page for non-tryout programs.
Lodging (GWU-4217)
Rooms sold in TravelFirst will include a service fee of $6 per room per night.
When booking a room, the service fee of $6 per room per night will show on the Total line.
Service fees will only be applied to Lodging with Nightly Inventory.
The Occupancy Report will include service fees when an additional room is added to an existing invoice.
May 8, 2024
COMMIT #: e465fbe
Coach Portal
Roster (GWU-4371)
Update: The Accept and Decline buttons are removed once a roster spot is accepted.
Front End
Roster Upload (GWU-4344)
Previously: When uploading team rosters for non-adult programs, Athlete First Name, Athlete Last Name, Parent Profile Email Address, Jersey Number, Date of Birth were required fields.
Update: When uploading team rosters for non-adult programs, Athlete First Name, Athlete Last Name, Parent Profile Email Address are required. All other fields are now optional, and Birthday is marked as recommended. Jersey Number can now be marked optional or required in the brand settings.
Roster Management (GWU-4347)
Added a column labeled Existing Account to show coaches/team managers if the athlete has an existing profile within PlayerFirst. If a user has an existing account, matched information will populate for the athlete along with their waiver status.
Added a tooltip for Existing Account that reads, If yes, then a user profile already exists in PlayerFirst with a matching name and parent email address, and the matched information will populate for the athlete along with their waiver status.
Updated Profile Validation to match athlete profiles based on Athlete First Name, Athlete Last Name, and Parent Email. If DOB is provided, the system will match based on DOB, Athlete First Name, Athlete Last Name, and Parent Email.
Updated to prevent saving and warning the user if high school grad year is less than 1950 or only two digits.
Events App (GWU-3059)
Previously: When sending out Broadcasts, admin were restricted from selecting more than one event at a time.
Update: When sending out Broadcasts, admin can now select more than one event at a time.
Shop/ Item Details (GWU-4337)
Update: Bill To city, state, zip, email and phone columns have been added to Item Details.
Invoices (GWU-4318)
Previously: When creating a vendor invoice in a 3STEP Sports Parent Brand, parent brands could only pull only brand Sub Accounts. This excluded the option for parent brands to pull Sub Accounts from all associated child brands.
Update: When creating a vendor invoice in a 3STEP Sports Parent Brand, parent brands can now pull Sub Accounts from all associated child brands.
COMMIT #: 30494fb
Front End
Roster Submission (GWU-4327)
Previously: When uploading a roster using the downloadable template, the Athlete DOB column header did not specify the format in which date of birth should be uploaded as.
Update: When uploading a roster using the downloadable template, the Athlete DOB column header now reads Athlete DOB MM/DD/YYYY. On the upload roster page, the header column now reads Birthday (MM/DD/YY).
Roster Upload (GWU-4323)
Previously: A roster saved as an Excel file (.xlsx) would fail to upload.
Update: A roster saved as an Excel file (.xlsx) will upload successfully.
May 7, 2024
COMMIT #: ecf828f
Account Credits (GWU-4118)
Previously: Admin could not edit an existing credit’s expiration date. In order to change the expiration date, an item would have to be deleted then recreated.
Update: Added a pencil icon (edit button) on the Open Credits page allowing admin to edit an existing credit’s expiration date without having to delete the original credit.
Front End
Adult Waivers (GWU-4260)
Previously: When signing a waiver for an adult program, the waiver did not require a phone number.
Update: A phone number is now required when signing a waiver for an adult program.
May 3, 2024
COMMIT #: 9f56f22
Front End
Products (GWU-4300)
Previously: When users added a product to the cart using a direct link, the Add Another button directed users to all products rather than the product they were initially provided the link for.
Update: When users add a product to the cart using a direct link, the Add Another button directs users to the product they were provided the direct link for.
Locations (GWU-4252)
Previously: On the Locations page, there was a limit to show only the most recent 500 results, not allowing pagination for all existing locations.
Update: On the Locations page, all locations are now shown with pagination of 100 per page.
Shop (GWU-4183)
Previously: When using Advanced Filters to search for an Associated Program, the filter excluded the Associated Program Dates.
Update: When you using Advanced Filters, admin can now filter an Associated Program within a specific range using the Start Date and End Date fields.
COMMIT #: 9d69024
Program Admin (GWU-4167)
Previously: Program Admin could not go through a program’s registration process before the program had received Admin and Operations approval. This prevented them from testing through the registration and making sure everything was set up correctly before the seeking Admin and Operations approval.
Update: The Program Admin role has been updated to allow Program Admin to go through a program’s registration process before the program has received Admin and Operations approval. This will allow them to test through the registration and make sure everything is set up correctly before the seeking Admin and Operations approval.
May 2, 2024
COMMIT #: 403c2a7
User Management (GWU-4182)
Previously: When editing parent/guardian profiles and the profiles of athletes who were 13+, PlayerFirst was requiring admin to add a cell phone number to the profile.
Update: When editing parent/guardian profiles and the profiles of athletes who are 13+, PlayerFirst will not require admin to add a cell phone number to the profile.
Front End
Registration (GWU-4333)
Update: The below note has been added for users who select Pay by Check as a payment method and on invoices where the payment method is Pay by Check.
Important: You must include the Invoice Number on the Memo line of your check to ensure proper receipt of payment.