How to Set Roster Submission to Begin and End

How to Set Roster Submission to Begin and End

Note: This setting only applies to programs that take registrations by team and are hosting a league or tournament.

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Program > Registration Details.

  3. Click the Pencil icon next to your desired program.

  4. Click Team Check-In in the sub navigation.

  5. Roster Submission Opens: Set the date and time for when roster submission for the program should begin.

    1. Note: If no start time is set, submission will automatically be open.

  6. Roster Submission Deadline: Set the date and time for when roster submission for the program should end.

    1. Note: If no end time is set, submission will remain open.

  7. Click Save Program.

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