How to Email Using Athlete Waiver Status

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Communication > Create Message.

  3. Click Transactional Email > Next.

  4. Click Parents and Athletes > Next.

    1. Note: The user type must be Parents to activate the roster filter in the following steps. Selecting Coaches & Team Managers will remove this option.

  5. Click Programs and Waivers Valid > Next.

  6. Add Recipients from Program(s)

    1. Select Program(s)

    2. Exclude waitlisted athletes/parents, and coaches/managers of waitlisted teams: Leave enabled to exclude recipients associated with waitlisted registrations.

    3. Include athletes that completed a quick waiver. Note that filtering by division will not apply to quick waiver athletes: Leave enabled to include athletes who have completed a quick waiver associated with the selected program(s).

  7. Select Division(s) > Next.

  8. Choose Player Status > Select Roster Spot Accepted or Auto-Placed > Next.

  9. Select the teams to include in communication. Only athletes on these teams will receive the email.

  10.  Filter Waivers Status

    1. Waiver Valid For Programs, Includes Quick Waiver: Select this option to message all athletes and parents with a valid waiver.

    2. Waiver Not Valid For Programs, Must be Rostered Select this option to message all athletes and parents without a valid waiver.

  11.  Click Next until you arrive as the Compose page.

  12.  Input Message Details.

Note: If your email filters need to be updated, select one of the filters from the dashboard to return to that page and edit your filter. After editing the filters, click Skip to Compose to return to the compose page without having to confirm every selected email filter.

13.  Choose Send Messages or Save for Later.


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