How to Send Transactional Messaging

How to Send Transactional Messaging

Transactional Messages are communications that recipients must receive based on their program registration(s). Users cannot opt out of these messages.

Note: You cannot send an email to an athlete without also sending it to the parent(s).

Note: the maximum recipient list is 10k.

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Communication > Create Message.

  3. Select Your Brand(s): Leave the default brand selected. This step may not be viewable based on your permissions and click Next.

  4. Select the Type of Message You Are Sending and click Next.

  5. Select the Groups that will Receive the Message and click Next.
    Note: Click Skip to Compose to jump straight to the compose page without any recipients.

  6. Select the filters to Narrow Down Your List.

  7. Add Recipients from Program(s) and click Next.

  8. Add Recipients From Division(s) and click Next. You may continue to filter down depending on the filters you chose.

  9. Remove Recipients from Program(s): Leave the default selected.

  10. Review the recipient list and click Next.

  11. Complete the message info and click Next.
    Note: If your email filters need to be updated, select one of the filters from the dashboard to return to that page and edit your filter. After editing the filters, click Skip to Compose to return to the compose page without having to confirm every selected email filter.

  12. Click Save for Later to save your email or schedule it to send at a later date. Click Send Messages to send the email immediately.

  13. To view your saved messages, click Communication > Messaging Schedule.