Account Credits

Account Credits

How to Create an Account Credit


  • The line item(s) being credited must be paid in full before PlayerFirst will permit a credit to be created.

  • A credit originating from Program A removes that amount from Program A's revenue, and then moves to program B, once it is used by the customer.

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Sales > Invoices.

  3. Use the search and filters to find the invoice you want to create a credit for.

  4. Click the Invoice Number to open the invoice.

  5. Invoice Items: Click the program line item to be credited.

  6. At the bottom of the pop-out, click Create Account Credit.

  7. Registered In: Shows the program line item that the credit is being created from.

  8. Credit Reason: Write the reason for the credit is being given.
    Note: Any text entered here is visible to the customer.

  9. Credit Amount: Enter either Dollars or Percent.

  10. Expiration: Optional field at the discretion of the admin. This sets a date for the credit to expire.

  11. Limit Program Use: Optional field at the discretion of the brand. This limits which program(s) the credit can be applied to.

  12. Click Save.

  13. The credit will now show under Sales > Account Credits.

    1. To confirm, search the user’s last name and ensure it is listed correctly under Open Credits.

  14. The user will be able to view the Account Credit and apply it to a different program within the restrictions - if any - set by the brand (ex: expiration date and/or limit program use).

    1. Note: The user would select the account credit from the dropdown menu under the payment button on the specific invoice.

How to Apply an Account Credit to an Invoice as an Admin

Note: A credit originating from Program A removes that amount from Program A's revenue, and then moves to program B, once it is used by the customer.

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Sales > Invoices.

  3. Use the search and filters to find the invoice you want to apply the credit to.

  4. Click the Invoice Number to open the invoice.

  5. Scroll down and click the Receive Payment button.

  6. Amount: Enter the amount that the credit will cover on this invoice.

  7. Method: Click and Scroll down to $XX.XXX.XX Credit and click this method.

    1. If multiple credits exist, you may distinguish the desired credit by the reason that follows the $XX.XXX.XX Credit: *Reason* in the dropdown.

  8. Description: Add additional information as needed.

  9. Press Save Payment.


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