How to Apply a Discount to an Invoice

How to Apply a Discount to an Invoice


  • Discount Codes can be created by a user with the Admin role only.

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Sales > Invoices.

  3. Use the search and filters to find the invoice you want to discount.

  4. Click the invoice number to open the invoice.

  5. Under Payment Schedule and History, click the .

  6. Amount: Adjust to the amount being discounted.

  7. Method: Use the dropdown to select Discount.

  8. Description: Skip this section.

  9. Click Save Payment.

  10. Allocate to the correct line item.

  11. Confirm that the current balance on the invoice is the original balance less the applied discount.

  12. Admin Notes: Add a note with today’s date, a brief explanation of the actions taken, and your initials.

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