Utilizing Communication Shortcuts

Utilizing Communication Shortcuts

Utilizing Communication Shortcuts (1).mp4

Team Management > Roster Management

Used for emailing waiver links or custom messages to selected athletes.

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Team > Team Management.

  3. In the Program search box, select the program that the team belongs to.

  4. In the Division search box, select the division that the team belongs to.

  5. Click the Filter button.

  6. Use the checkbox column on the far left of the Roster Management table to select the athletes you want to message.

  7. Click the Envelope icon, and select a message option.

    • Email Waiver Link to Selected Athletes

    • Email Custom Message to All Selected Athletes

  8. After selecting, you will be directed to the Communication page. Preview the recipient list and click Next to compose your message.

Team Management > Team Management

Used for communicating to confirmed/unconfirmed/declined athletes for a team.

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Team > Team Management.

  3. In the Program search box, select the program that the team belongs to.

  4. In the Division search box, select the division that the team belongs to.

  5. Click the Filter button.

  6. Select Team Management in the sub navigation.

  7. Use the checkbox column on the far left of the Team Management table to select the teams you want to message.

  8. Click the Envelope icon, and select a message option.

    • Message All

    • Message Unconfirmed: Email everyone who hasn’t accepted or declined a roster spot.

    • Message Accepted: Email everyone who has accepted a roster spot.

    • Message Declined: Email everyone who has declined a roster spot.

  9. After selecting, you will be directed to the Communication page. Preview the recipient list and click Next to compose your message.

Program > Divisions

Used for communicating to parents/athletes/coaches within a program.

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Program > Registration Details.

  3. Select the program you need to message people within.

    • If messaging the entire program, select the Envelope icon on the Programs table next to the desired program.

  4. Click Divisions in the sub navigation.

  5. Use the checkbox column on the far left of the Divisions table to select the divisions you want to message.

  6. Click the Envelope icon, and select the Email Type and Recipient Group. Click Compose Email.

  7. After selecting, you will be directed to the Communication page. Preview the recipient list and click Next to compose your message.

Team Reporting > Rosters

Used for emailing waiver links to athletes.

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Team > Team Reporting.

  3. In the Program search box, select the program that the team belongs to.

  4. In the Division search box, select the division that the team belongs to.

  5. Click the Filter button.

  6. Select Rosters. in the sub navigation.

  7. Use the checkbox column on the far left of the Rosters table to select the athletes you want to message.

  8. Click the Envelope icon, and select to Preview or Send waivers.

Team Reporting > Coaches & Managers

Used for emailing coaches and team managers who have not started their roster, or to communicate to a group of coaches within divisions.

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Team > Team Reporting.

  3. In the Program search box, select the program that the team belongs to.

  4. In the Division search box, select the division that the team belongs to.

  5. Click the Filter button.

  6. Select Coaches & Managers in the sub navigation.

  7. Use the checkbox column on the far left of the Coaches & Managers table to select the coaches you want to message.

  8. Click the Envelope icon, and select the Email Type, Recipient Group, and Roster Status. Click Compose Email.

  9. After selecting, you will be directed to the Communication page. Preview the recipient list and click Next to compose your message.