Account Creation Process for Imported Users
Purpose: To understand how to create a new user account for an imported user.
Best Practices & Notes
If an imported user has never used their account, but they enter the email PlayerFirst has in their profile, they will get the experience of setting up their account as normal.
Once the account is created, it will be associated to the imported data.
When using the Create an Account link that appears on the sign-in form, the imported info will be updated with the new info.
When going through the full account creation process that is prompted when a user checks out with their cart, the imported profile/address information will be deleted and replaced with the new info that the user enters.
If a user already has an account, they will retrieve their username and password to login to PlayerFirst.
If a user does not have any information in the PlayerFirst database, they will follow the normal user creation process.
Additional How Tos & Guides