How to Import New Users

How to Import New Users

*The User Admin role is required to use the Import Users feature.


  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click User > Users.

  3. On the top navigation, hover over the three dots and click Import Users.

  4. Choose File to import and click Next.

    1. Note: if the first row in the file contains headers, please check the box.

  5. Select Columns: assign each column from the file being imported to the correct category.

    1. Ex: if column one is John and column two is Doe, column one would be Assign To “First Name” and column two would be Assign To “Last Name.” Repeat for all additional columns.

  6. Role For Users You Are Adding: the role selected from the dropdown will be applied to all users.

  7. Reactivate: check this box if users that were deleted previously should be made active again based on the new information being imported.

  8. Tagging: group the users together via an email tag that can be used for future communications.

    1. Ex: Summer Invite Tournament 2022

  9. Click Next.

  10. Import File Contents: review information being added and confirm accuracy.

    1. Note: you cannot undo an import.

  11. Once confirmed, click Next.

  12. A confirmation pop-up will appear with a note about expected time to complete the import.

    1. To import, click Yes.

    2. To review further, click No.

    3. Note: again, you cannot undo an import.

  13. Import Completed Successfully will appear on the screen to signal completion.

    1. Note: for larger lists, please note it may take a bit for the import to complete. As previously noted, for lists > 1,000, please contact Central Services for assistance.


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