How to View Messaging Totals

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Communication > Messaging History.

  3. Hover over the breadcrumb/three dots on the top navigation next to Messaging History and click Messaging Totals.

  4. Filters: To fine-tune the search, type in any of the following fields.

    • Sent After/Sent Before

    • Email Type: Marketing/Transactional, Marketing, or Transactional

    • Brand: This will default to the current brand.

    • Regions

    • Sports

  5. Click Filter.

  6. The columns show the results for:

    • Brand(s)

    • Unique PlayerFirst Recipients: The total number of unique PlayerFirst profile recipients. This includes profiles reached via email, SMS, and/or PlayerFirst Apps.

    • Emails Sent

    • Email Recipients: The total number of unique email recipients.

    • SMS Sent

    • SMS Recipients: The total number of unique SMS recipients.

    • Chats Sent

    • Chat Recipients: The total number of unique chat recipients.



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