Payment Plan Installment Fee FAQS

Payment Plan Installment Fee FAQS

What Does This Mean?

As of August 15, payment plans for club season programs will require a $10 minimum installment fee for each scheduled payment.

Example = A program costs $1,000. The parent can pay $1,000 at the time of checkout OR enroll in a payment plan.

  • Payment plan example:

    • Deposit at Checkout = $400 (No required installment fee)

    • Payment #1 = $200 + $10 = $210

    • Payment #2 = $200 + $10 = $210

    • Payment #3 = $200 + $10 = $210

    • Final Total =$1030

What Does This Mean for My Programs?

New Programs

  • Club Season programs created after August 15 will require all payment plans have the minimum installment fee of $10

Current Program with No Payment Plans

  • If no payment plans exist for programs before August 15, new payment plans will have the minimum installment fee of $10

Current Program with Payment Plans

  • If current payment plans exist, those current plans and new plans will NOT be affected by the installment fees

Programs That Are NOT Club Seasons

• All payment plans camps, clinics, tournaments, etc. will not be affected

Custom payment plans made for individuals will follow the same guideline above depending on the Activity Type.

Can I Adjust the Fee?

When creating a payment plan, a brand can increase the installment fee. You cannot decrease the fee below $10.

NEW = Additional Related Feature

You can now base the last payment date of a payment plan off the date the program ends. This can be done based off the program end date or the division end date.

Example = If a program or division ends on 5/15/2024, the brand can indicate they want the last payment to be due 15 days before the program ends. That would make the last payment due on 5/1/24

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