PlayerFirst Hierarchy - Overview

PlayerFirst Hierarchy - Overview

Purpose: Understand the hierarchy of PlayerFirst

Best Practices & Notes

  • Setting levels:

    • Program - 10,000ft perspective, 1st level (least granular)

    • Division - 1,000ft perspective, 2nd level

    • Team - 100ft perspective, 3rd level

    • Player - 10ft perspective, 4th level (most granular)

  • Upon program creation, settings are set at the program level

  • Settings can be further adjusted at the division, team or player levels

  • If no further setting adjustments are made, the program level pricing will be implemented

  • If further setting adjustments are made, the most specific price level will be implemented (ex: a price is set at the team level, then the team level price will override both the division and program price levels)

  • Blanket pricing updates can be applied without the need for custom pro-rates, scholarships, etc. under the following rules:

    • Events: Program & Division levels

    • Club: Program, Division & Team levels

  • Examples of blanket pricing updates include:

    • An event program cost is set to $1500 but we want the 2005 division to only cost $1,000 - because they play one less game - we can assign a $1,000 cost to the entire 2005 division without applying custom pro-rates, scholarships, etc.

  • If a custom setting is required at an even further level, it can be done via the payment plan creation page down to the specific user account (event registration) or player (club registration)

  • Data Collection - the same required data is captured at every level of registration, regardless of cost and/or program type

  • Data Collection - individual player information can still be captured at the event level, or at a team registration where waivers are collected


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