PlayerFirst Hierarchy - Division

Purpose: Understand all other applicable settings at the division level

Best Practices & Notes

  • The 1,000ft level (2nd level)

  • Upon program creation, settings are set at the program level

  • If a division setting is activated but not a team or player level setting, the division setting stands

  • For more information on blanket pricing, please see PlayerFirst Hierarchy - Overview

  • Override Program Tryouts - option to restrict registration until after a tryout or vice versa

  • Override Program Roster Privacy - option to make rosters public at the division level

  • Experience Levels - option to restrict participation based on Beginner, Advanced and Elite

  • Age Restrictions - option to restrict participation by both High School Grad Year and Birthdate

  • Data Collection - the same required date is captured at every level of registration, regardless of cost and/or program type

  • Data Collection - individual player information can still be captured at the event level, or at a team registration where waivers are collected


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