Program Details: Team Manager vs. Billing Profile
Purpose: Understand that Team Manager details, not the Billing Profile details (person registering the team), are being viewed when selecting the Details tab within a program.
Best Practices & Notes
When navigating to a program (Program > Registration Details > Select Program), the Details tab will contain information for the Team Manager, not the person who registered the team (Billing Profile).
Ex: John Smith registers Team ABC for Event X with Sally Doe as the Team Manager
When clicking the Details tab within Event X, the details will be for Sally Doe, not for John Smith
If the Billing Profile details are needed, they can be found by clicking the invoice link on the Status tab in the Invoice IDs column.
Once the invoice is opened, the Eyeball icon in the Bill To section will provide contact information for the Billing Profile (the person registering the team).
Additional How Tos & Guides