How to Create a Program-Independent (or FAQ) Webpage

How to Create a Program-Independent (or FAQ) Webpage

Note: Only certain roles are allowed to create program-independent webpages.

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. Click PlayerFirst in the top right corner.

  3. Click Home Page.

  4. On the left panel, click Create New Page. This will create a new webpage, titled New FAQ. You may have to scroll to find the button, depending on the number of pages on the left panel.

  5. Find and select New FAQ from the left panel.

  6. Click the .

  7. Update the webpage’s settings.

    1. Is Live: Click the check box to make the webpage visible to the public. In this case, the public is anyone who does not have editing rights to pages like this.

    2. Roles Required for Access: Use the drop down to select the role(s) that should be eligible to view the webpage.

    3. Title: Type the title of the webpage. This will replace the New FAQ text at the top of the page.

    4. Group: Choose which area of the website you want the webpage to be found under.

      1. Main: The webpage will be found on the top navigation of the website, to the left of the shopping cart icon.

      2. Footer: The webpage will be found on the bottommost navigation of the website, to the left of the Log Out button.

      3. Main: “Title“: The webpage will be found on the top navigation of the website, nested under the “Title” page.

    5. Order: Assign a number for which this webpage will be ordered on the website with 1 being first. A best practice for nested pages is to assign the first page each nest an order value of 1, 10, 20, etc., with the nested pages receiving an order value between 2-9, 11-19, 21-22, etc.

    6. Jumbo Image: Assign a unique image as the webpage's background, behind the page’s Title and Intro.

    7. Body CSS Classes: Skip this step. Do not touch.

    8. Alternate Link: Paste a URL here to redirect anyone visiting your webpage’s URL be redirected to the pasted URL.

    9. Intro: Type the sub-title or introduction of the webpage. This will appear under the Title of the webpage. All text should be typed in Heading 2.

  8. Main Text Editor: Type the body of the webpage.

  9. Click Save.


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