How to Create Homepage Banner Images
Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.
Click PlayerFirst in the top right corner.
Click Home Page.
Click Edit Landing Screen.
Find and select Source from the text editor menu.
Paste in the following html code.
<div class="raw-html-embed">
$(function() {
const images = [
"Paste image URL here",
"Paste image URL here",
"Paste image URL here",
"Paste image URL here"
$('.jumbo').css('background-image',url(${images[Math.floor(Math.random() * images.length)]})
</div>Click Update.
In a text editor menu, click the Insert Image icon.
Choose the location you want to upload your image to.
Click Add Files.
Find where the image(s) are stored on your computer and select the image(s) you want to upload. Click Open.
Click Start Upload.
Once the image is uploaded, find it and double click it.
Right click the image, and select Copy image link (or equivalent, this differs between browsers).
Paste the URL in a notepad.
Repeat steps 14 & 15 for each image you want to add to the homepage banner.
Return to the text editor by closing out of the image upload modal.
Find and select Source from the text editor menu.
Replace the Paste image URL here text with an image URL.
Repeat step 19 for every image URL you want added to the homepage banner, and add extra lines if necessary.
Click Update.
Click Save.