How to Use the Retention List

How to Use the Retention List


The Retention List is to compare previous registration lists with current registration lists.

Primary List = A list of previous registrations to be drawn from.

Comparison List = A list of current registrations to compare with the ‘Primary List.’

Filter by Program and Divisions or Date Range and Activity Type.

The Retention List can be emailed from the filtered list.

Filter by Program and Division(s)

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Program > Retention List

  3. Filter Type: Select Program and Division.

  4. Primary List: This is to choose the primary list of previous registrations.

    1. Brand: Search for the brand(s) you wish to be the primary.

    2. Program: Search for the Program you wish to be the primary.

    3. Divisions: Search for a particular Division or leave blank.

  5. Comparison List: Use the Filters to COMPARE registrations against the Primary List.

    1. Brand: Search for the brand(s) you wish to be the comparison list.

    2. Program: Search for the Program you wish to be for the comparison list.

    3. Divisions: Type and select Division or leave blank.

  6. Extra Filters: These filters affect both programs.

    1. Athlete Grade Year Range: Youngest Grad Year to Oldest Grad Year

    2. Birth Year Range: Youngest Birth Year to Oldest Birth Year

    3. Athlete Status: Check the box to only include athletes who accepted a spot.

  7. Press Filter Button

  8. Dashboard:

    1. Percentage of new registrants within Primary List.

    2. Percentage of retention rate. The registrants on the Comparison List that are also on the Primary List.

    3. The number of registrants on the Comparison List that are not on the Primary List

  9. Team Retention List: The list of registrants on the Comparisons List that are not on the Primary List.

    1. Select registrants: Check the boxes of the registrants to contact and press the email icon to start an email.

    2. If emailing all, press the three dots and select Email Entire Table.

Filter by Date Range and Activity Type

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Program > Retention List

  3. Filter Type: Date Range and Activity Type.

  4. Primary List: This is to choose the primary list of previous registrations.

    1. Brand: Search for the brand(s) you wish to be the primary list.

    2. Date Range: Select the start date and end date of registrations for the primary list.

    3. Activity Type: Select the particular event to be the primary list or leave blank.

  5. Comparison List: Use the Filters to COMPARE registrations against the Primary List.

    1. Brand: Search for the brand(s) you wish to be the comparison list.

    2. Date Range: Select the start date and end date of registrations for the comparison list.

    3. Activity Type: Select the particular event to be the comparison list or leave it blank.

  6. Extra Filters: These filters affect both programs.

    1. Athlete Grade Year Range: Youngest Grad Year to Oldest Grad Year

    2. Birth Year Range: Youngest Birth Year to Oldest Birth Year

    3. Athlete Status: Check the box to only include athletes who accepted a spot.

  7. Press Filter Button

  8. Dashboard:

    1. Percentage of new registrants within Primary List.

    2. Percentage of retention rate. The registrants on the Comparison List that are also on the Primary List.

    3. The number of registrants on the Comparison List that are not on the Primary List

  9. Team Retention List: The list of registrants on the Comparisons List that are not on the Primary List.

    1. Select registrants Check the boxes of the registrants to contact and press the email icon to start an email.

    2. If emailing all, press the three dots and select Email Entire Table.


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