How to Add Billing Details for Field

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Location > Locations.

  3. Find the location you want to add billing to and click its name.

  4. Click Field Billing from the bread crumb menu.

  5. Fields: Choose which field(s) are going to be billed at the same rate.

  6. Billing: Select the billing type for your chosen fields.

    1. Unbilled - Fields are not billed.

    2. Fixed by Field - Fields are billed at a fixed price, regardless of usage.

    3. Fixed by Location - All fields at this location are billed at a fixed price, regardless of usage.

    4. Hourly by Field - Fields are billed by the hour at an hourly rate.

  7. Rate: Input the rate or fixed price.

  8. Start and End: Input the start and end date for this billing to be active.

  9. If this billing is recurring, select Weekly.

  10. If this availability is recurring, choose how it will end. Either by End Date or by a total number of recurrences.

  11. Click Review Dates and confirm everything is correct.

  12. Click Save Billing.


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