Access App - Adding an Event without a Schedule

Access App - Adding an Event without a Schedule

If your event is scheduled PlayerFirst, use https://threestep.atlassian.net/wiki/x/EADmKw for step-by-step instructions.

  1. Create a program on your brand’s PlayerFirst website

  2. Create any shop items needed for your event.

    • How to Create Shop Items

      • When creating shop items, make sure the program you created is entered in the Associated Program field.

  3. Add your program as a League or Tournament.

    • On the left navigation, click Schedule > Leagues & Tournaments.

    • Click the in the top right to add your program.

    • Select your program and divisions, and enter your First Day, Last Day, and a Banner Image.

    • Click Create.

  4. Make your program visible within the Access App.

    1. On the left navigation, click Communication > Events App.

    2. Click the Eyeball icon to select your event.

    3. Enable the Show in App field.

Non-Scheduling Display View:
