How to Use the PlayerFirst Access App Scan Feature

How to Use the PlayerFirst Access App Scan Feature

How to Create a Program:

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Program > Registration Details.

  3. To the right of Search Programs, click the add icon.

  4. Type in the name of your new program.

  5. Click Create New Program.

Note: See also Program Approval Checklist and Program Approval Process.

How to Create your Event Access Codes:

Note: You must create a program before you can create an access code. If you have not created a program yet, see How to Create a Program.

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Schedule > Leagues & Tournaments.

  3. Click the add button.

  4. In the Create Tournament section, complete the following categories:

    1. Type: Select From a Program.

    2. Program: Select the program to create event access codes for.

    3. Division: Select the existing divisions that will be used in the schedule creation process.

      1. Note: If you are scheduling outside of PlayerFirst, selecting divisions will have not have an affect in this process.

    4. First Day: Enter first day of event.

    5. Last Day: Enter last day of event.

    6. Click Create Event.

  5. In the Tournament sub-navigation, the event access codes will be auto-generated.

    1. Scorekeeper Code

      1. This code will allow the user to enter and finalize scores into the app.

    2. Referee Code

      1. This code will allow the user to enter and finalize scores into the app.

    3. Coaches Code

      1. This code will allow college coaches to view player profiles, schedules, contact information, and an ability to take notes which can be exported at the end of the event.

    4. Parking/Gate Attendant Code

      1. This code will allow the user to scan parking/gate tickets.

    5. Directors Code

      1. This code will allow the user to view the scorekeeper and the parking/gate roles, all under the single code.

Note: Event staff can refer to these codes during the check-in process; it is important that the correct access code is used during check-in (ex: Parking/Gate Attendant should use this code to check-in customers).

See Also: How to Find your Event Access Code and How to Scan Parking/Gate Ticket(s).

How to Create Gate/Parking Items for the Access App:

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Sales > Shop.

  3. In the upper right corner, click add icon.

  4. Associated Program: Select the associated program.

  5. Number of Products: Enter the number of products you are creating.

  6. Category: Select from the dropdown menu.

  7. Click Create Products.

  8. Fill out the required fields in the Item Details bulk edit table.

    1. Product Name: This will be the display name of the product.

    2. Type: This is used as an extension of the product name, and will be used to sort on the Sales > Shop page.

    3. SKU: This will be used for apparel sales to associate each line item to a product and its SKU number.

    4. Category: This will be your product type.

    5. Associated Program: This will be what program that your product is associated to.

    6. Price: This will be the set price for the item.

      1. NOTE: This is the price before fees.

    7. Start Showing/Stop Showing: This will be the dates that will be set that you would like for users to be able to view the product.

    8. For Sale on Site: This will be the setting that will determine whether the product should be up for sale on the website.

    9. Stock Method: Ignore Stock, Sell Stock then Waitlist, or Sell Stock Only

      1. Ignore Stock: This can be used if you do not have a limited number of items.

      2. Sell Stock then Waitlist: This can be used if you have a limited number of items, but you would like to maintain a waitlist should more stock be added.

      3. Sell Stock Only: This can be used if you have a limited number of items.

    10. Available Stock: This can be set if you have a limited number of items.

      1. NOTE: If this is left blank, there will be an unlimited number of items available.

    11. Available Waitlist: This can be set if you are holding a waitlist.

    12. Description: This can be used to add more context to the purchase for users when purchasing the product.

    13. Multi-Use: If the product will be scanned multiple times, you will want to turn this feature on. Additionally, if this only be used a set number of times, you can confirm this number in the “Amount” box. If this product should only be scanned once, you may leave this feature turned off.

      1. NOTE: If this is turned on, with no “Amount” set, this would be unlimited.

    14. Valid Use Start/End: This will be the dates that users with a purchased product can scan their tickets through the app.

    15. Receipt Email Details: Any text entered here will appear on the purchaser’s email receipt.

  9. Once complete, review and click Continue.

  10. To view the newly added shop item, on the left navigation, click Sales > Shop Items.

How to Find your Event Access Codes:

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Schedule > Leagues & Tournaments.

  3. Select your event.

    1. Note: If you do not see your upcoming league/tournament listed, see How to Create your Event Access Codes.

  4. Parking/Gate Attendant Code: Use this code for parking/gate ticket scanning.

    1. See Also: How to Scan Parking/Gate Ticket(s)

How to Scan Parking/Gate Ticket(s):

Note: Download the PF Access App from the App Store.

  1. Open the PF Access App.

  2. Press I Have an Event Code.

  3. Enter the 10-digit code provided by an event director.

    1. Note: Codes are event-specific.

  4. Press either Start to Scan or Search by Name to verify tickets.

    1. Start to Scan: This will access the device’s camera and will scan the customer’s purchase confirmation on their mobile device or printed ticket.

      1. Press Start Scan.

      2. Scan the QR Code.

      3. Press Scan Next Code or Return Home.

    2. Search by Name: If the customer does not have the purchase confirmation on their mobile device or printed ticket, the user can enter their first and last name.

      1. Press Search by Name.

      2. Enter the name of the customer.

      3. Press the check mark on the right side of the ticket to confirm the admission.

        1. A gray checkmark will indicate that the ticket cannot be admitted.

        2. A blue checkmark will indicate a ticket that can be admitted multiple times.

        3. A green checkmark will indicate that the ticket is available to be admitted.

      4. Press Start Scan or Search by Name to continue scanning tickets.