Login Workflow Updates
The PlayerFirst login process and associated functions have been updated to reflect modern and secure methodologies. This document highlights the new features and updated process flow.
User Login
Logging into PlayerFirst is now a two-step process. A user will enter their username or email and PlayerFirst will validate the user before allowing them to enter their password. Once the user’s username or email has been verified, then they will enter their password and authenticate as before.
Old Method
New Method
Two-factor Authentication (2FA)
Users who log in and have either administrative or financial rights must two-factor authenticate. The user will be sent an access code, and once the code is entered their device will be remembered for 90 days.
Forgotten Password
A user who has forgotten their password will be sent an access code. Once the user has entered the code, they will be given the option to proceed to the home page or reset their password.
Access Code
The two-factor authentication code and password reset code are a randomized six-digit code that is sent to the user. If the user has both an email and phone number associated with their account, they will be presented with the option to select the delivery method of email or SMS text message. If a phone number is not saved to their account, then the verification method will auto-default to their email.
Users resetting their password or creating their password for the first time will have the ability to show and hide their password by clicking an icon in the password input box. The password reset screens also have icons that automatically change on password entry acknowledging that the user has met each of the password strength rules; at least one letter, at least one number, and a minimum of eight characters. The password confirmation input box also has an icon indicating that it is a match to the password.
Login Help / FAQs
Login help has been enhanced to Frequently Asked Questions and include step-by-step instructions on how to login, reset your password, and create an account.
Creating an Account
Creating a new user account is similar to the previous process; Email is first verified that it is not already in PlayerFirst, then the user enters their username, first name, last name, and password. The new version includes the enhanced password icons and assistance.
Old Method
New Method