What is a payee’s username?
A payee’s username is their email address.
When is time entry due in Vensure for that week’s payment?
Time entry must be completed by Tuesdays at 3pm EST for payment to be processed that Friday.
Do we enter W2 employees in Vensure for payment?
You may enter a W2 employee on a Work Roster for tracking purposes, but they will be flagged and you will not be able to process their payment through Vensure. All W2 employees must still be paid through UKG. Please work with your Regional Admin for W2 UKG payments.
Can a W8 payee be paid in Vensure?
Yes, a payee can complete a W8 tax form during onboarding and be paid in Vensure.
Can a business entity be paid in Vensure?
Yes, for W9 payees but no for W8 payees. Only individuals who have set up a business entity can be paid in Vensure for work they performed as an individual. For example, an assignor or athletic training group that is going to submit an invoice and then pay the referees/atc’s would need to follow the payment request process and be paid through accounts payable and not Vensure. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Regional Admin.
Can the same business entity EIN be entered for multiple people?
No, Vensure is only able to issue payment to one EIN for a sole company. There cannot be multiple payees under the same EIN as the company is receiving the payment, not the individuals.
How do I know if a business entity should be paid in Vensure or through accounts payable?
Business entity’s where an individual worked for 3STEP will be paid in Vensure. EXAMPLE: A content capture person has an LLC for their business and they performed the work.
If a business entity provided people to perform work for 3STEP, that would be paid through accounts payable. EXAMPLE: A referee assignor hires referees to work an event and the referee assignor pays the referees directly. 3STEP pays the referee assignor a lump sum for their assigning fee as well as for all the referees that worked.
Which tax form should a payee complete?
Payees should be completing the tax form that aligns with their tax and citizen status- we cannot determine that or provide any other guidance since it is related to their taxes. If they are unsure of which form to select, they will need to reach out to their tax professional.
The payee selected the incorrect tax form. Can this be changed?
Yes - contact your regional admin who has access to change the tax form type. Once changed, the payee needs to complete/sign it again.
How can I send reminders to payees for missing forms and compliance items?
Automatic email reminders are sent to payees that are missing required forms and/or compliance items every Monday and Friday. Manual reminders may also be sent at anytime from within the work roster - hover over the 3 dots in the Action column.
How do I troubleshoot missing or bounced back payments?
All missing or bounced back payments will be handled by Vensure’s payroll support team and 3STEP’s Director of Staffing.
What if a payee needs to update their information (email, address, etc)?
Payees will have full access to their profiles and can make changes at any time.
What should I do if a payee is missing or has incomplete compliance items?
We recommend reaching out directly to the payee to remind them of the requirements. Below are the specific links for the Players Health compliance items:
Requirement Types | Link |
Background Check, Concussion and Abuse Prevention Training | https://landing.playershealth.com/threestep/ |
Concussion & Abuse Prevention Training | https://landing.playershealth.com/three-step-sports-trainings-only/ |
Background Check Only | https://landing.playershealth.com/three-step-sports-bgc-only/ |
Abuse Prevention Training Only | https://landing.playershealth.com/three-step-sports-apt-only/ |
Concussion Training Only | https://landing.playershealth.com/three-step-sports-conc-only/ |
How are late payments processed if a payee is not ready to pay on the pay date (Friday) for the pay period they worked?
Your Operations (Regional) Admin can help to push through late payments. Please work with them on any late payments that need to be processed.
Can I create multiple work rosters for a single program?
Yes, you are able to create multiple work rosters for a single program.
Ex: If you have a league that runs every week for a month, you may create a work roster for each week of work that will be paid each Friday.
If a Payee works for multiple brands, do they have to complete forms more than once?
Depends on the form:
Tax Forms (W9/W8): only needs to be completed once unless any of the Payee’s personal information has changed.
Short Form ICA: this is completed once per year and is applicable for all brands
Long Form ICA: these are completed on a program to program basis due to payments being schedule in installments.
Can time entry be done if compliance items are not completed?
Yes - time entry can be done if compliance items are not completed. However, no payment will be be processed until all compliance items are completed.
Can a brand operator make changes to time entry?
A brand operator can make changes to time entry until it has been approved by Operations Admin. Once time entry is approved by Operations Admin, only Operations Admin can make changes to time entry.
What are the options for paying parent and volunteer coaches in Vensure?
Parent coach gets entered in Vensure but at a $0 rate so they complete the compliance requirements. The child’s tuition gets discounted in PlayerFirst via Coach’s Child concession AFTER compliance requirements are completed.
Parent coach is paid in Vensure at a rate that equals the tuition cost, or whatever amount the brand wants, and completes the compliance requirements to receive payment. The coach pays for their child’s tuition in full in PlayerFirst.
Will the Brand Director receive an email notification when a Long Form ICA is ready to be signed?
No, the Brand Director will not receive an email notification when a Long Form ICA is ready to be signed. The Brand Operator will need to communicate this with the Brand Director.
Can a duplicate Payee be added to the Payee Database if they enter a different email address?
No, Social Security Number validation prevents duplicate Payees from being added to the Staff Database with a different email address.
Does Vensure automatically email the Brand Director when a Long Form ICA is ready to sign?
No, Vensure does not automatically email the Brand Director when a Long Form ICA is ready to sign. BEST PRACTICE: Brand Operator emails the Brand Director the link to the Work Roster and a list of Payees on the Work Roster that have Long Form ICA’s ready for signature.
Can you turn off access for Payees to do their own time entry?
No, but any time entry done by Payees will require approval by the Brand Operator and Operations Admin.
Who can sign a Long Form ICA?
Only the Brand or Sub-Brand Director can sign a Long Form ICA.
Will Payees receive a 1099 tax form from 3STEP and Vensure for the 2024 tax year?
If a Payee has received payment from 3STEP and Vensure in 2024, they will receive two 1099 tax forms, one from 3STEP
Does a Payee receive an email notification alerting them when they have a new contract to sign?
Yes. The Payee will receive an email each time there is a new long form ICA contract for them to sign.
Is a credit check run during the Players Health background check process?
No. Criminal background checks must be conducted under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), which is why FCRA consent is needed when completing the Players Health background check. Players Health is required to provide this notice and request consent to be in compliance with the law.
Why is the Payee getting an “invalid e-mail address” error when trying to login or to reset password?
The Payee has not completed setting up their account in Vensure. If you search for the Payee in the Payee Database, their status is ‘Yet to Start’. Click on the 3 dots in the Action column to resend the registration email to the Payee.
How can I correct a Payee name if I swapped the first name and last name when adding to the system via a work roster for the first time?
The Payee will be able to correct it during the account creation process. This should be done prior to the Payee completing their W9 so their name is correct on that form.