Two approvals are required for a program to go live:
Admin Approval
Operations Approval
Note: An Admin can approve all and also override (acts as both Sport Director and Settings/Corporate)
Creates a new program and submits it for approval
Captain, Operations
Receives program approval request from Operator in PlayerFirst notification menu.
No Approval - Sends back to Operator for revisions.
Approval - Locks certain financial reporting fields to prevent further editing
Note: Changes made to unlocked financial fields after approval will trigger an email notification to the Sport Director.
Captain, Admin
Receives program approval request from Operator in PlayerFirst notification menu.
No Approval - Sends back to Operator for revisions.
Approval - Locks fields to prevent further editing.
Program > Basics >Tryout Cost
Program > Basics > Program Cost
Program > Divisions > Override Program Cost
Program > Team Management > Add a Team (Price)
Note: These fields will be editable, but will have a warning that any changes will trigger a notification back to the Sport Director.
Go Live - Two Approvals Received
Approval by
Captain, Operations and Captain, Admin can be received in any order.
A notification is sent to the Operator when their program is approved.
Once both approvals are received, the program is available to go live.
Confirm all settings are correct for for program visibility and public dates.