Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.
On the left navigation, click Communication > Create Message.
Select Brand and click Next.
Message Type: Select Transactional Email and click Next.
Recipients: Select Athletes and Parents and click Next.
Narrow Down Your List: Select Player Evaluations and click Next.
Add Recipients From Program(s): Enter Program and click Next.
Select Division and click Next.
Accepted: Select the checkbox next to Roster Spot Accepted or Auto-Placed and click Next.
Select Team and click Next.
Player Evaluations: Select Evaluation Created On or After from the dropdown menu.
Enter date the Player Evaluation was setup.
Select Evaluations Not Sent from the dropdown menu and click Next.
Remove Recipients From Program(s): Select the checkbox next to No and click Next.
Note: Players on the team without an evaluation will not be on this list.
Preview List: Review and confirm recipient list and click Next.
Templates: Select Blank and click Next.
Note: A template with a standard header would also work.
Subject: Evaluation for [[ATHLETE_FIRST_NAME]]
Note: use Insert Data Tokens link on the left of the Email and Club App Message section.
Message: Use Insert Data Tokens and a variation of the following text:
The evaluation prefills the message body. Insert just [[PLAYER_EVALUATION]]THANKS.
Send Test Email to your email address (strongly recommended) and click Next.
Preview Email: One final review of the message in addition to the test email.
Once confirmed, select either Send Messages or Save For Later.
If selecting Send Messages, a confirmation pop-up will appear.
Click Yes to send.
Click No to further edit.
Once sent, a Confirmation screen will appear with the number of Profiles, Emails and Texts sent.
Note: once the message is sent, the Player Evaluation will be visible to the athlete
Note: if selecting Save For Later, the Player Evaluation will NOT be visible to the athlete.
See also Messaging Schedule & Save For Later