JUNE 12, 2023
COMMIT #: Bfe0351 & 0f221c3
Registration Details: Programs will now have both a “Tryout Goal” and a “Tryout Financial Target Goal.” These goals can be set at both the Program and Division levels. The Division level will override any goals set at the Program level. (GWU-2204)
Registration Details: The “Short Name” field has been updated to a typeahead selection of PBCS budget options. (GWU-2633)
Add to Schedule: The “Team Limit” has been updated to 100 from 10 when scheduling multiple teams for a “Practice” or “Other.” (GWU-2655)
Export: “Start Date” and “End Date” now appear as “Lodging Start Date” and “Lodging End Date.” (GWU-1432)
Reporting: Updated “Occupancy Report” page to sort alphabetically by last name. Additionally, first and last name are now split into two different columns. (GWU-2068)
Room Block: Updated text for the automatic “Room Block” creation email. (GWU-2214)
Copy Message: When copying a message, the recipient count from the copied message is incorrectly being carried over. This has been corrected by composing a new message without recipients, so that the old recipient count is not carried over. (GWU-2753)
Front End
Athlete Profile: The input fields were incorrectly overlapping the main menu and sub-nave items when a user scrolled down. This has been corrected so that there are no overlapping fields. (GWU-1623)
Registration Details: When attempting to save changes without completing required fields, a red alert pop-up appears to the user. For the 'Event End” alert, it was incorrectly truncated. This has been corrected so that the “Event End” alert appears in full and overlaps the “Year” field. (GWU-2775)
Invoices: When a discount amount whose value equals the cart total was applied at checkout, the invoice would incorrectly show a pending check. Additionally, the “Balance to Date” was incorrect. This has been corrected so that no pending check appears on the invoice and the “Balance to Date” is correct. (GWU-1833)
Add to Schedule: When removing a Program, all teams selected are removed, regardless of association. This has been corrected so that when removing Program, only teams associated with the Program are removed. (GWU-2828)
Add to Schedule: When adding a Program after adding teams, all previously selected teams were being removed. This has been corrected so that both the Program and previously added teams remain on the schedule. (GWU-2766)
Bulk Edit: When games are scheduled via the Scheduler, they are not assigned a time zone. This results in the system assigning the games to the individual brand’s default time zone. This has been corrected so that the program’s default time zone is now assigned to all events created via the Scheduler for that program. (GWU-2862)
Exporting: The Export was not pulling the data properly. This has been corrected so the data now pulls into the Export properly. (GWU-1432)