Purpose: Allow operators to explain payment expectations to athletes registrants added from a waitlist.
Best Practices & Notes
If an athlete a registrant is added off of a waitlist and missed any payments from the payment plan, they are responsible for both the deposit and the missed payments prior to the date of registration.
Ex: Jane Smith Scenario
The team cost is $1,000 and Jane Smith is on the waitlist.
The payment plan is a $500 deposit, followed by $100/month for 5 months.
The first of the five installments of $100 is due on the first of each month, with the first payment due on January 1st.
Jane Smith joins the team from the waitlist on January 5th.
Jane Smith is responsible for the $500 deposit + the $100 installment that was due on January 1st = $600 due immediately upon joining.
If Jane joined the team prior to January 1st (ex: December 20th), she would only be responsible for the $500 deposit at the time of her joining. The first of the five installments of $100 would then be paid on January 1st.
Jane’s next payment would be on February 1st and she has a remaining balance of $400.
Ex: John Doe Team A Scenario
The team cost is $1,000 and John Doe Team A is on the waitlist.
The payment plan is a $500 deposit, followed by $100/month for 5 months.
The first of the five installments of $100 is due on the first of each month, with the first payment due on January 1st.
John Doe Team A joins the team from the waitlist on February 10th.
John Doe Team A is responsible for the $500 deposit + the $100 installment that was due on January 1st + the $100 installment that was due on February 1st = $700 due immediately upon joining.
If John Team A joined the team prior to January 1st (ex: December 20th), he they would only be responsible for the $500 deposit at the time of his their joining. The first of the five installments of $100 would then be paid on January 1st.
John’s Team A’s next payment would be on March 1st and he has they have a remaining balance of $300.