Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.
On the left navigation, click Program > Registration Details.
Select the program.
Click the Pencil icon next to your desired program.
Select the Team Check-In tab.
Double Roster Athletes: select the checkbox.
Note: The tooltip reads “players in this program will not be flagged as double rostered when this checkbox is turned on.”
Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.
On the left navigation, click Program > Registration Details.
Select the program.
Click the Pencil icon next to your desired program.
Select the Divisions tab.
In the Participants section, the Override Double Roster Athletes drop-down menu has the following options:
Program Setting - Allow: permits double rostering of athletes for specific Divisions, but not for the whole Program.
Program Setting - Don’t Allow: does NOT permit double rostering of athletes for specific divisions, or for the whole Program.
To allow a specific Division to double roster, but NOT the whole Program, select Program Setting - Allow.