Purpose: Understand the name change from “intercompany” to “Inter-Brand” and the workflow changes.
Workflow Changes
Intercompany renamed to Inter-Brand.
Inter-Brand removed as a payment method option when paying an invoice.
When creating a payment plan, there is a new option to select the “Purchasing Brand.”
Ex: If Brand ABC with Club ABC is attending Brand 123’s Event 123, the purchasing brand is Brand ABC.
The purchasing brand will be displayed at the top right of the generated invoice.
Inter-Brand added as an option on the first step of Bulk Registration.
For Registration by Admin (Program > Register), a step has been added in to select from the following options:
Pay in Full
Payment Plan
Best Practices & Notes
Inter-Brand invoices can no longer be created and left open.
Eliminated artificially inflated Account Receivable data for more accurate financials.
Invoice corrections/reversals will be done through a traditional refund.
When Inter-Brand is being used, it must apply to the entirety of a registration and partial Inter-Brand Adjustments are not allowed.
When a payment plan is created for an Inter-Brand payment, the amount should be changed to 100% of the program/division/team cost.
Additional Guides & How Tos