Brands will complete time entry for all Payees in Phase 1 of the Vensure rollout.
TIME ENTRY DEADLINE: Time Entry must be completed by Tuesdays at 3PM EST. Any Timecard entries made after Tuesdays at 3PM will not be included in that week’s payroll processing.
Time Entry is done in the Work Roster.
Time Entry can only be done for one Pay Rate type at a time. If the Work Roster has multiple Pay Rate types, only select Payees with the same type. If you select the Payees with different Pay Rate types, an validation error message will appear at the bottom of the screen when you click on the the Timecard button.
Short Form ICA and Long Form ICA Hourly Time Entry
Select the Payees to enter time based on the same Pay Rate type. Click on the Timecard button to open the Time Entry screen.
The Time Entry screen will show the option based on the Rate Type - Day, Team, Session, Game or Hourly. The units or time in/time out will apply to all Payees selected on the Work Roster - these can be edited before the Brand Operator saves the Timecard entry.
Only dates within the Work Roster start and end date will be available to select to do time entry.
IMPORTANT: Time Entry can be done even if the Payee does not have Compliance Items completed. The Payee’s payment will not be processed until required items are completed.
Per Day, Team, Session, Game will be entered in Units by Date. Example, if a referee worked 5 games on one day, enter that date and the number of units would be 5.
Note: the max number of units per day is set to 20.
Per hour will be entered by date, time in and time out.
The time in and out must be entered in HH:MM AM/PM format.
By clicking Save, the Brand Operator is approving the Timecard entry. There is no additional approval for the Brand Operator to do. The next step is for the Operations Admin to approve the Time Entry. Brand Operators can make edits to Timecard entries until the Operations Admin approves. After the Operations Admin approves, only they will be able to make edits before payroll is processed.
Long Form ICA Time Entry (per Team)
Per Team Time Entry will only show installment payment details, which is not editable after the Long Form ICA is signed. The by Team Time Entry does not require any Brand Operator approval, only Operations Admin approval. To view the the Pay Schedule, click on the blue calendar icon to the right of the Pay Rate column.
Timecards for Payees with the status of Yet to Start” will not be visible in the timecards section.
Time Entry Status Column
The list of Time Entry column statuses can be found below: