Sponsor Location and Sizing in PlayerFirst
Club App Header
Sizing: 860 x 536px (2:1.25)
File Type: .png, .jpg, .gif
Notes: Auto-scrolling header. Impression will count when the ad is scrolled to.
Club App Tile
Sizing: 150 x 75px (2:1)
File Type: .png, .jpg, .gif
Notes: Impressions will not be tracked for this ad type, only clicks.
Club App Schedule Insert
Sizing: 320 x 50px (32:5)
File Type: .png, .jpg, .gif
Notes: Displayed every 3-4 events on the schedule.
Access App Schedule and Shop Insert
Sizing: 640 x 100px (32:5)
File Type: .png, .jpg, .gif
Notes: Shown on the shop page (shown below), and the schedule page (only used by SMP event brands currently).
Web Header
Sizing: 970 x 90px (97:9)
File Type: .png, .jpg, .gif, .mp4
Notes: Shown on every page of a PlayerFirst website.
Web Footer
Sizing: 200 x 200px (1:1)
File Type: .png, .jpg, .gif
Notes: Shown on every page of a PlayerFirst website.
Email Footer
Sizing: 200 x 200px (1:1)
File Type: .png, .jpg, .gif
Notes: Shown on every email.
Email Banner Footer
Sizing: 200 x 200px (1:1)
File Type: .png, .jpg, .gif
Notes: If there a multiple sponsors for a brand to choose from here, it selects at random.