How to Customize a Team Recruiting Book

Note: This should be generally used for Club Team recruiting booklets.

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click Team > Team Management.

  3. Select the Program.

  4. Select the Division.

  5. Select the Team.

  6. Click the Filter button.

  7. Click the Team Management tab.

  8. In the team list view, scroll to the right and click the Schedule link in the Schedule column.

  9. Click the Recruiting Book tab.

    1. Note: the Recruiting Book is formatted as a trifold pamphlet

  10. To remove a player, click the trashcan icon on the player’s card.

  11. To add a player, enter the player’s name in the Add to Roster search bar.

  12. Verify the jersey number and click Confirm Jersey.

    1. Note: to add a player, they must be in the system for that brand

  13. Repeat steps 10-11 for each additional player.

  14. Once complete, click Print to download a pdf.

**Please Note: changes made to the Recruiting Book for a specific tournament will not be saved; when the page is reloaded it will default to the full roster (ex: the pdf for Tournament A won’t be saved for Tournament B, unless the user manually saves the pdf to their personal drive)


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