Bulk Registration Overview

Bulk Registration Overview

Purpose: Understand when to use the bulk registration feature.

Best Practices & Notes

  • Bulk registration is only available for programs that take full team registration (not individual registration programs).

  • The feature can be used for multiple programs (ex: Event 1 and Event 2).

  • Recommended for use when registering 2+ teams with the same billing profile.

  • If multiple teams are registering from the same club, but multiple billing profiles are being used, the bulk registration feature will not work.

    • Instead, each unique billing profile should separately register the teams from the club that they are responsible for registering.

    • For example, if 6 teams are registering from Club ABC and one billing profile is registering 3 of the teams (ex: girls) and another billing profile is registering 3 of the teams (ex: boys), each unique billing profile could utilize the bulk registration feature separately.

      • Billing Profile 1 uses bulk registration for the 3 girls teams from Club ABC.

      • Billing Profile 2 uses bulk registration for the 3 boys teams from Club ABC.

      • Unless a single billing profile is being used, an admin would not be able to bulk register both the boys and girls teams from Club ABC in the above scenario.

  • Using this feature, any waitlists will be ignored and the registration will go through

    • Note: there will be a notification on the summary page calling out any registrations that skip the waitlist

  • This feature will not allow registrations to go through if the division/program is closed for registration

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