Role Definitions

Role Definitions


Role Definition


Role Definition

Assistant Coach

This person is the secondary coach of a club team.

Athletic Trainer

This person is an athletic trainer at an event.

Brand Marketing

This person assists with brand marketing and social media for the brand.

Business Development

This person assists with sales and business development for the brand.

College Coach

This person is an external coach that works an event/program in a non on-field role. Ex. Lax uses these for events.

Combine Testing Staff

This person assists with sport combine testing.

Content Capture/Event Freelancer

This person is collecting content and/or providing marketing materials for an event/program.

Event Site Director

This person is the main point of contact for Event Staff at an event.

Event/XPR Staff

This role encompasses all event staff: gate admissions, scorekeepers, parking attendants, ect.

Film Staff

This person is responsible for on-site fim/video at an event/program.

Front Desk Staff

This person works at the front desk of a facility or event.

Head Coach

This person is the lead coach of a club team.


This person is a coach or instructor that leads on-court/field camps, clinics, lessons etc.


This person is a referee, official or umpire for game(s) happening at an event.

Ref-Official-Ump Assignor

This person assigns refs/officials/umpires for events.

Shuttle Driver

This person drives a vehicle for an event/program.


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