Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.
On the left navigation, click Team > Team Management.
In the Program search box, select the program that the team belongs to.
In the Division search box, select the division that the team belongs to.
Click the Filter button.
Select Team Management in the sub navigation.
Find the team you want to send tryout acceptance emails to, and under the Actions column, click the Envelope icon.
Click Message Unconfirmed. This will send the tryout acceptance email to all athletes who have not accepted or declined their roster spot yet.
The filters needed to email this
team are automatically set up
. Click Next, near the top of the page until you get to the composition page.
On the compose page, you will notice that a default subject and email are already set up. You may change whatever you want to or leave everything as is.
Include recipient's username at end of email: Select this to help families remember to log in to accept their roster spot with correct username.
Click Send Messages to send your invites immediately.
Click Save for Later to save your email for later or to schedule your email to be sent predetermined date and time.