Payee will be prompted to enter the following information:
Request to be added to Specific Work Roster or Any Work Roster for the brand.
Brand approval required to be added to Specific Work Roster.
Select Role (optional)
Email Address (required)
Legal First Name (required)
Legal Last Name (required)
Phone Number (required)
Complete OTP verification
Agree to Terms & Conditions
Select US Federal Tax Information that applies
Confirm SSN
Date of Birth
Address (City, State, Zip)
Payment Method - check or direct deposit
If direct deposit: Account Type, Bank Routing Number, Bank Name, Bank Account Number are required
IMPORTANT NOTE: For QR code applicants onlyClick HERE for a screen recording of Payee view of QR code onboarding process.
Payee will receive a Registration Email to complete the onboarding process
Upon clicking on the Registration Link in the email, the Payee will not be prompted to complete a the W9/W8 until they are added to a Work Roster for the first time.
Click HERE for a screen recording of the Payee view of QR code onboarding processafter clicking on the Registration Link.
Payee Database Columns Explained