Registration Details (GWU-3396)
Update: In the sub navigation under Reporting, admin can add an email address to receive confirmation emails every time the program receives a registration.
Note: Separate multiple emails to receive these confirmations with a comma.
To send this notification to multiple email addresses, separate them with a comma.
E.g., apple@gmail.com, pear@gmail.com
A/R Report (GWU-3722)
Previously: When exporting to excel, the Invoice Number column and the Name column were exporting as code.
Update: When exporting to excel, all columns are exporting correctly.
Shop Page (GWU-3714)
Previously: When clicking the link button on the parent product, the link sent directs users to a page that required all of the child products to be purchased.
Update: When clicking the link button on the top parent product that encompasses all items, the link directs to a page that users control what they are purchasing and how many.