MAY 23, 2023
COMMIT #: 514d160
Copy Emails: Previously when copying emails, a user needed to click “Next” multiple times to confirm their filters. Now, a user is able to compose an email with all of the previous filters pre-selected. (GWU-1962)
Front End
Athlete Profile: When a user attempts to “Upload Image” or “Upload Proof of Age” there is no indicator that the upload attempt was successful. This has been updated so that in both cases a user will see a visual indicator for a successful upload. (GWU-2692)
Roster Management: When adding a new roster for a team from scratch, the user is brought to a page where they are only able to input Player information. This has been updated to include Coach information, as well, so that now Coaches and Team Managers can edit this information without first having to add Player information. (GWU-2661)
Cart: Minor grammar updates for $0 fees. (GWU-2688)
Error Page: The text on the message a user sees was updated to read “An Error occurred on your previous request. If you were making an update, you may have to try again. We have recorded the error and will review and correct it as soon as possible.” (GWU-2618)
Registration Details: A “Double Roster Athletes” line has been added above “Roster Submission” on the “Team Check-In” tab. This line reads “Allow Athletes to be double rostered within this event.” The tooltip states “Players in this program will not be flagged as double rostered when this checkbox is turned on.” This is the setting for the Program level and provides athletes an automatic exemption when double rostered. (GWU-2581)
Registration Details: A “Override Double Roster Athletes” drop-down menu has been added in the “Participants” section on the “Divisions” tab. The option to either “Allow” or “Not Allow” an override of the “Program Setting” is available. The tooltip states “Allow Athletes to be double rostered within this division/session. Players will not be flagged as double rostered when this is allowed.” This is the setting for the Division level and provides athletes and automatic exemption when double rostered. (GWU-2581)
Front End
Registration: When a user attempted to add a Team Manager, but didn’t select a checkbox for an existing Team Manager, the user would be unable to proceed. When the user clicked “Continue” a warning message would appear stating that “A Team Manager is Required” even though the user was attempting to invite a new team manager, not an existing team manager. This has been corrected so that the user can invite a new Team Manager without having to select from an existing Team Manager and proceed as expected. (GWU-2660)
Rosters & Waivers: Athletes with a valid waiver are incorrectly being emailed when a Coach/Team Manager selects “Email All Players Without a Valid Waiver.” This has been corrected so that only athletes without a valid waiver will receive an email when a Coach/Team Manager makes this selection moving forward. (GWU-2694)
Editing Data: Depending upon user permissions, different user roles are able to view and/or edit data fields that are not visible to other user roles. For users without visibility to the hidden fields, attempting to save a form was resulting in an error being thrown. This has been corrected to allow all users to save data forms without an error being thrown, even if their user role does not have permission to view the hidden columns. (GWU-2667)
Registration Details: If Program A was created with program-level custom questions and Program B was also created with program-level custom questions, making Program B an add-on option for Program A resulted in only Program A program-level custom questions being asked and recorded, but not Program B program-level custom questions. This has been corrected so that now both Program A and Program B program-level custom questions are asked and recorded in the scenario where Program B is offered as an add-on option for Program A. (GWU-1752)
Registration Details: When a user clicked “Now” to set the “Start Showing” or “Stop Showing” times for a program in the afternoon, it would incorrectly default to that time in the morning. For example, if the user clicked “Now” at 3pm, the time would incorrectly default to 3am. This has been corrected so that the accurate “Now” time is reflected, regardless of am or pm. (GWU-2232)
Invoices: The prepayment amount is not capped based on the amount owed on an invoice. For example, if $600 is owed for an invoice, a user is incorrectly able to apply a $700 prepayment. This has been corrected so that a user can NOT exceed the amount owed on an invoice when applying a prepayment. (GWU-2642)
MAY 15, 2023
COMMIT #: a79dbea